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Everything posted by R?x?s

  1. d'awww I make my pet cosplay England from Hetalia
  2. d'ohmygod Austria-chan <3 Iloveyoutodeathnow,'kayLuz? so cute! I love the colouring ;3
  3. I have a stereotypical family and I like... uhm... My dad's blueberry pie. It's really good. [just ate a cracker so I'm not feelin so hot]
  4. ...you're not supposed to see the text. It's just decorative.
  5. What if you're both a pokemon and a zombie?
  6. I like Swedish 8D All the funny accent type things 8D
  7. Good ol' Johnny Bravo <3 I agree that the darker one is better. Nice stuff
  8. R?x?s


    They are definitely quite bright Only thing I'd say is use a little less contrast, and make the images a bit sharper maybe to make up for that. Otherwise, they're very nice! ^^
  9. That's awesome xDDD I have one or two friends that live a city or two away, some in the next state down, oh and Roxel just happens to go to the school I want to go to next year and I see her every Tuesday.
  10. DO I SMELL ABUSE? and that is winnnnnn<3
  11. AMERICA/SORA FOREVER <3 lawl seriously that's amazing xDDD
  12. I'd sail the Saskatchewan, Stealin' wheat, 'n barley, 'n all the other grains
  13. I'm so happy ;A; England is total win <3 I loves him to death >D America is definitely seme. Also, I'mma make my perverted Japanese teacher play the episode with China and Japan in class >DDDD
  14. or England/America? discuss the sexiness of Hetalia now plz[/color].
  15. /late I'm super sorry to see that you're leaving, even if I never really got to talk to you much. And people, don't make this place like KHV when CtR was de-admin'd because she wanted to not be an admin[/align].
  16. Well, I gotta say Namine. Kairi - annoying, and has an underdeveloped character. Namine - can secretly kick ass and is strong. Xion - annoying and I could kick her ass of the face of the earth. Larxene - a bitch. Aqua - I don't know her well enough yet.
  17. ... wait what. seriously? damn...
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