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Everything posted by 143436611Xxcc

  1. Yeah It`s just how he wanted it Thanks I used Manga studio.. Really good program from line art.... or just Manga haha
  2. Thanks haha, I just wanted to share my first real attempt at KH art... Making it look official and all
  3. Heres a commission piece I did for KH Youtuber "The Gamers Joint" (my art is also featured in his intro as well as a Sora edit I did a few months back enjoy!) Heres my DA: http://shieldsrup.deviantart.com/gallery/
  4. I'm not saying you're father is pushing you into the business it's just you're going to have a tough ass time getting in with no prior backing. Not to mention you're American... They do most of the music in Japan... Unless it's remastering it which in case is done up in Boston.
  5. It's a very unique game.... The music is superb.. But aside from that the game is total shit.
  6. Don't mean to burst your bubble... But I highly doubt you will be able to work on the score Square Enix title just because your father said he could hear it in a movie. Establish some great credentials and then go to Square. Nothing's impossible, but as for right now, you'd be lucky to work on a video games score.
  7. OH MY GOD.. YES!!! My gf is one..
    1. Kaweebo


      Ventus and Terra's eyes are closed in this, too! The attention to detail is stunning.

    2. Rinax


      I still can't stand Xehanort's..."face".

    3. Moochieh32


      Holy firetruck. This would've been the best boxart in gaming history! WHY SQUARE- ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS THIS- WHICH WAS A FEW CHANGES! WHY D: overall, even though the official boxart is awesome, this is beautiful. I'd bring the game box everywhere I go if this was the official one. Whoever made this deserves an award. Seriously. :P Vanitas, Namine and Eraqus :D

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  8. Nothing official, just from word of mouth http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/735143-kingdom-hearts-hd-25-remix/69391338
  9. Maybe he gave wrongly known information with the date... He isnt Square or anything... We`ll find out eventually I guess. I`ll agree, I`m very wary about this
  10. Yeah, and considering he keeps referring to KH as mostly Disney, he doesnt know what he`s talking about... But the actual leak is dope.
  11. This forum post was posted 4 hours ago... Sounds like the real deal in my opinion. He`s dubbing the dialogue from the E3 trailer I believe. Although it`s weird to see Square (supposedly dubbing KHIII already) https://www.reddit.com/r/KingdomHearts/comments/2ctvwi/localization_process_for_new_kingdom_hearts_video/
  12. They both had the same character designer. He means the flat 2D faces Square uses due to laziness.
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