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Everything posted by 143436611Xxcc

  1. Japanese live stream website I think I can get a link here! http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24597245
  2. Oh god i meant the KH13 homepage, where it says videos, but the 30 min of gameplay is removed now..
  3. Anyone have a link to KH2.5 Playthrough?

    1. Joker


      I don think those are out yet.id give it a few more days till stuff comes

    2. Skhyatze


      The game just came out in Japan so you might have to wait a few days.

    3. Demyx.


      There aren't any yet. Don't worry. I'm watching out for em. :P

  4. Hey, I hope this isn't against the rules or anything, but I figure you`d all appreciate this. Anyways here it goes. So I`m sure at least some of you have watched The Gamers Joint right? Well you know the artwork on his channel? And in his intro? That was actually done by me Recently ive been getting loads of KH requests... And so I would like to showcase some of my artwork, and maybe see if you guys would be interested in commissioning me for some art.. I don't charge a lot I charge basically on the difficulty of the piece. PM me if youre interested. Here`s some KH stuff i`ve done recently.
  5. Listen, you dont know EVERYTHING Nomura has up his sleeves... Only time will tell when it is released.
  6. I feel ya Didn't they say it wasn't gonna show up this year?
  7. It'd be awesome!! I believe I have the talent for it too www.shieldsrup.deviantart.com
  8. I'm probably wrong but wouldn't Square want to still shock people with a new trailer and shit for KH3?? As well as FFXV

  10. Pondering on what to get myself for my birthday. Have about $75 to spend :)

  11. No shit, but the goal i to convey how the official trailer would look like.
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