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Everything posted by vy76

  1. And thanks to DC for finding the news, writing it, and uploading the trailer. Lol. Nice sized subtitles you've got there. ;/ But yeah, I didn't really like this as much as previous trailers. I think the graphics look worse, but that might just be me. like check em out now
  2. can someone tell me the difference between the finish moves please because i remember before ven's was called photon charge and speed rave sounds alot like it plus what about that one move of terra's called starburst thats not even up there when that MAX things sounds like all 3
  3. what does it mean when he says about the samurai that he's the master of the 3 thats extremly confusing isnt it master xehanort
  4. im not sure xion is actually real in 358 right, so maybe in some odd way ven is like a clone from the future ahhhh
  5. i dont know where to start a forum or something but today ign has posted tgs 09 demo vids
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