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Everything posted by HelpMeRan-Sama

  1. Ran:Maybe he escaped? I gotta clean this up before Xemnas sees this!!!
  2. Spellcard 60:Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser!!! *shoots lasers and bullets at Xaldin*
  3. Ran gets drunk and drinks all the beer in the fridge, then sits back and reads her book
  4. Virtual Pet Game. I wanna squeeze them they look so rubbery and soft~
  5. Well... who are the 3 people you think of when you see 358/2 Days?
  6. Well,I know what the title means but you have to play the game to know it or just see pictures of the 3 people
  7. I hated... when you had to press the three switches in Agrabah. That made me spin and spin around and I got a bad headache after that >
  8. Not really Well maybe they are a little evil but not all of them are.And my reason is said by Luzzekatt
  9. I don't wanna spoil it, but it's kinda easy to understand the title.
  10. Why? I love her ending cause it really makes you have a "Losing someone important and precious in your life" feel DX
  11. I played it in this order: KH CoM:*Ahh so sick of the card system. Switches to Pokemon* KH2:*Goes to Hollow Bastion*. "Who is this kook?" and I was ROFL but then I got killed almost 3 times!!! (That's on Easy) KH1:I only played a little bit in my friends house,but I found it fun~ (it was Japanese!!!) KH358/2 Days: I hate those investigation missions!!!
  12. I only knew Roxas's Ore and Xion's Atashi
  13. O_o||| No one play Pet Society?
  14. Wow Cellar you look cool~ I have spectacles too YAY for cool looking glasses! I don't need them but I want cool looking glasses...lol, I'm weird I hate glasses... I kinda lost them 2 times but I found them back
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