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Everything posted by gambler-of-fate

  1. She nodded looking at him and sitting "whats this sopposed to do?"
  2. "Eha what do you think your doing" she said pushing him away.
  3. She opened the door looking in at the room she hadn't used in years "You had an idea?" she asked
  4. "I can't skip out I'll see you when I'm done" she said and turned away walking towards her post. "Okay well lay down some rules I don't like you so don't touch me got it" she told the newbs
  5. "oh don't pout your dorm is safer than out here I have to work with tranies tonight" she said
  6. Lu gripped onto him calming down "lets go train" she said
  7. she smiled and poked him again. "I said I'd come but in a few hours go back okay" she said
  8. tears rolled down Lu's face "I thought he was you...he kissed me"
  9. "Eha Aaron what are you doing here?" she yelped looking behind her "Go back to your dorm" she said poking him "You may have a higher rank than me but I can still kick your ass"
  10. "but he he..." lu trailed off placing her hands over her lips
  11. Roxy had made herself dinner and changed before she ran out of the dorm towards the shore a feeling ripping her to shreads "Why do I feel like something is gonna happen?" she questioned.
  12. "b..but he looked just like you" she said standing
  13. "Aaron your not going" she muttered while looking at the cadets swarming around her. "well what are you looking at go back to your dorms" she yelled and ran out of the building back to her dorm. 'He kissed me he kissed me'
  14. Lu looked up confused "Eha what happened?" she looked at aaron
  15. She kissed him back until she heard talking and whisling "Way to go Lutenent" they shouted but two of them slunk off angered but unnoticed.
  16. Lu fell to the floor and the starcaster changed into his normal form again and humphed "Bad bad she's mine mine you hear me" he yelled throwing a knife at him and escaping from the scene.
  17. Roxy's eyes widened was her really kissing her in front of the cadets? her eyes closed and she shifted a hand into his hair softly. "Your trying to distract me." she whispered.
  18. 'She's alone alone alone heehee my move my move' The enemy starcatcher teliported into the room shape changed into Aarons as he walked behind Lu warping his arms around her. Lu looked at him and smiled "I told you to go train I'm just gonna cle-" his lips pressed to hers and everything got blurry ~Whats going on?~
  19. Roxy sighed "Your not going I'll be fine" she said 'No no something bad is going to happen bad bad bad'
  20. Lu smiled and finished up placing her dish in the water to clean it. "the traning room is down the hall the big white doors. I'll meet you in there when I'm done cleaning this stuff. and I won't take no for an answer" she said and giggled.
  21. "and don't worry if something goes wrong I'll tell you okay" she smiled a real smile. and placed her head on his shoulder watching the cadets. she didn't want to go on watch she had a bad feeling about it.
  22. Lu placed a dish infront of him and smiled "after dinner" she said
  23. "Yeah but I'm there to watch them tonight until the end of my watch so you can play pranks on them when mine is over" she poked him in the forehead and smirked.
  24. "Yeah there should be a training room down the hall Nero built it for me" she said smiling.
  25. "No I'm just gonna go back to my dorm I'll swing by later before watch I'm with 2 of the new guys tonight...but I'm not sure how that will go." she grumbled
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