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  1. We don't know who else too blame. We don't know their names or anything. Can't really blame someone if you don't know their position. And we're too lazy to look it up. :s
  2. Name: Xeris (pronouced z-air-is) Physical Age: 8 Weapon: Scythe Battle Catchphrase: "I'll try to go easy on you." "I'm letting myself off the leash!" "Can you dance with the darkness?" Battle Catchphrase Win: "Oops." "Uhh...I guess I went a little crazy." Battle Catchphrase Lost: "Man, you must be pretty tough." "I'm bored with this." Personality: An easygoing and cheerful Nobody. She hates people who mope about their past selves. In her mind, it's live for today and forget yesterday. She is extremely powerful, but hardly uses her power, believing that her advantage isn't fair. She spends most of her time hanging out with Roxas and Axel, but is on good terms with most of the other Nobodies. Relationships: Xemnas: Xeris's personality both interests and confuses Xemnas. He understands better than most of the members that Xeris is more powerful than she seems, and that she is surpressing her powers. Xaldin: Because of Xeris's appearence, Xaldin does not hold much respect for her, and he continues to ignore the fact that Xeris is stronger than him. Saix: Whatever time Xeris does have with Saix is usually spent speaking to him with complete saracasm to help him understand his boring nature. Xeris tends to do the unthinkable when dealing with Saix. Usually back-talking him, challenging him, and ignoring his lecturing. Xigbar: Xigbar and Xeris are on very good terms. Xigbar admires Xeris's maturity and strength. He also admires her wise nature as to not run blindlessly into combat. Xeris admires Xigbars speed, skill, and easygoing personality. Luxord: Luxord thinks of Xeris as a "worthy player". Like Luxord, Xeris knows that life is like a game. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Demyx: Xeris and Demyx usually spend their time together playing musically. Xeris making music using her scythe as a guitar and Demyx playing his sitar. Her greatly values Xeris's laid back personality. Vexen: Vexen thinks of Xeries as an ignorant child who knows nothing about the world or existence. He despises Xeris's ability to think and feel as though she has a heart. Lexaeus: Xeris and Lexaeus respect each others' strength and calm outlook on live to the point that they occasionally spend time training together. Zexion: Xeris and Zexion are on generally good terms, but like Xemnas, Xeris's personality both envies and confuses Zexion. Larxene: Larxene and Xeris have their on everlasting showdown. Xeris's witty comebacks frustrate Larxene, as she can never successfully insult her. Marluxia: Marluxia and Xeris, both having similar weapons, enjoy battling each other. Axel: Xeris is one of Axel's best friends, and he is willing to stand up to the higher-ups of the Organization for her sake. Xeris teaches him different techniques of speed, and he teaches Xeris differenct techniques of strength. Roxas: Xeris is Roxas's best friend (aside from Axel). He deeply values her friendship and is willing to go to any lengths to protect her. In return, Xeris stands up to the other members of the Organization when they talk down on him. Xeris is willing to do anything for Roxas's sake, even if it means putting her life on the line. Wow that was long.:|
  3. Two letters. N.O.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is by far the most annoying character in the entire series! She whines, she complains, and she let a stupid blindfolded guy get to her! I just hate characters that are all WHO AM I?! WHERE DID I COME FROM?! Well, here's my question, WHY DOES IT MATTER???!!! I hated how they made her more important to Roxas, when she was really just dead weight to the Organization. She totally ruined Axel and Roxas's friendship. Plus, she's totally weak!!! She can't even beat Riku, and that's pretty darn pathetic!! Her ending was needed! The less I see of Xion the better. Also, I don't like how they pronouced him name as Shion. It's Zion for goodness sake!!! Okay, now here's my reason's that are more professional. Her character in general was very uncreative. Her boss battle moves were uncreative, her fighting style was uncreative, her weapon was uncreative, and her true story is uncreative. Her appearence is a total rip-off of Kairi, her voice actor was poorly chosen, and her personality was probably thought up in five seconds. Xion's role in the story was also given too much credit. The game strayed away from Roxas, who was the ACTUAL protagonist and turned everything to her, who was probably just an improve character. The Organization also made decisions concerning her that made no sense at all. For one, she's not as powerful as they say she was. For another, it would have been fine if they had just left both Roxas and Xion alone. Xion is not the only one they can use. I also don't understand why she is required if she keeps ruining so many things. It's almost like everyone is oblivious to the damage she is causing. In my mind, Xion was a character that was unnecessary, uncreative, unenjoying, and just flat out dislikable. Wow, that was a long thread. If it offends anyone, I'm sorry, but I think I should sum it all up for everyone why we Xion haters don't like her.
  4. You can buy them at any Barnes and Noble bookstore. Not just any store sells them. Look in the manga section under K and you should find it. That's where I found a few copies. I hope this helps.
  5. C'mon guys, there's no reason to beat down on this thread. I don't know what to believe, but if anyone wants a reliable source to turn to, go to Kingdom Hearts Wiki. They don't post stuff unless it's true. (From what I see anyway.) :blush:
  6. Well, I know that her fighting style and everything else is like Sora's, but I just noticed that her head gear looks kind of like Sora's hair. I'm a little slow. Sorry. :blush:
  7. Are you sure you don't mean "Aqua"? Not Xion. Well, I guess Aqua's head gear looks like Sora's hair, but I haven't really thought about it that much. :s Sorry I didn't post something like that in the first place. I'm not that good with these kind of things. :blush:
  8. Did anybody ever notice that Xion's head gear when she's in her battle armor looks kind of like Sora's hair? It's kinda spiky and pointed at the edges and the top. Does anybody think that she had never really lost her form as Sora when she was battling. I know it's kind of a stupid question, but it just seemed so odd to me. Her battle armor looks like Sora's outfit in Kingdom Hearts 2 and her head gear looks like Sora's hair. Did anybody notice?
  9. Well, this is just a theory, but what if it isn't really light at all? What if it's some kind of destructive power or something? Or maybe Ven is just having a dream that he's in a state of darkness like terra and the light is trying to swallow him? Like I said, all of these are just theories, but you never really know.
  10. To be honest, I don't have a problem with any of the things listed. The only problem I really have with it is that it's ALL ABOUT XION!!!! She was a cool character, but the only thing that was really about Roxas was how he got his two keyblades. Everything else - XION XION XION XION XION XION XION XION XION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To sum it all up the storyline sucked! :@
  11. Man....I didn't think we could make this much disscussion! Wow I'm a real newbee! -.-' Where exactly was it said they were making an anime again? You can just google it! It's pretty much everywhere. But I found out when I was looking through kingdom hearts insider
  12. AW MAN! I MESSED UP! Sorry guys. There's already a thread about this. ......so....do I just delete it or what?
  13. If you were to wield a Keyblade, which one would you pick? I would pick two across. If I were to pick a fan-made keyblade, I would pick the Shadow Scythe. Made it myself!
  14. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion! It's just a random thought though. It's not really my call if they need an anime or not, but I do agree that if they did make an anime it probably wouldn't be that good.
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