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  1. I like Titanic movie very much. I prefer that movie in holiday times.
  2. Hello Everyone, I like guitar since That's sweet and suites every generation. You can generate your own composed tunes and make others to dance on it. I just love this instrument. My speed of playing is not so much high But I can play better one.
  3. Hello everyone, i loved the first transformers, the acting/humour was superb and the action was AMAZING. I was super anxious for transformers 2 and after about an hr I was anxious to leave. I couldn't take it anymore, everything was stepped up to a bad degree. Too loud, too much action, too much horrendous jokes and way too many robots! Half the time i was trying to figure out whos who and there were so many plot holes that bugged me, this all being in the first hr alone. There were three characters that I truly DETESTED, the twin robots and that greasy haired buffoon of roommate, it doesn't get any more annoying than those three. GAHHH and when all three of them were in the same scene I wanted to kill myself.
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