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About Heike

  • Birthday 11/25/1995

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  1. A fellow Fate fan! I'm doing the UBW route as I type.

  2. I thought so that this would be A Harlem Shake...
  3. I saw the bar moving while the loading thing also play snake didn't work so I knew that this was the joke pretty clever though
  4. Happy easter to you guys....ours (well not ours cause I'm excluded from it I just can't believe it no offence to any1 beleaving) is on 5th May...pff school holidays will be late this year..
  5. 6 years old (I luved disnay back then and bought the games cause it had a big key and disney heros) then i grew up and didn't give a s**t about disney I was buying the games cause I had fallen in love w/ it
  6. Ah Castle of Glass pretty nice song well Lost in the Echo is better IMO. EA made a wise choise by choosing Thise for Medal of Honnor
  7. Finally some news thx you very much
  8. I think because he wants to keep the darkness inside now it's just a theory I have IDK...
  9. That's a worthy story of readin nice and not w/o many things to say
  10. I haven't made a HK13 biography for me and I don't intent to cause clearly I find it meaningless I'm not that popular here so why should I, and yeh you may have started a new trend
  11. Organization XII cause I would have that awesome black coat also I would have magic power (hopefully not any flowerish and then be called as flower boy) and also be able to use the dark realm and get wherever I want whenever I want (I always wanted to use that vanish into darkness teleport)
  12. haha Greek and I am from Greece . I feel honored that I have those anscestors
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