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Everything posted by Zexion

  1. Sorry Jen...I didn't know it would get out of line.
  2. Wow Gun...that's funny and dirty! Good job.
  3. Zexion


    No, no, no...I don't care if you flame me, it's no problem with me. If I say something you don't agree with, then yeah, give me hell. It's fine, I know how forums work and I guarantee that it's nothing I can't handle. So let's just agree to disagree when it comes to the matter of love. We didn't get off to a good start meeting eachother...so let's back up, try again, and put this thread behind us. It really wasn't worth making it anyway. And I'm just gonna stay out of the personal section, I only get into trouble. So whattya say? Friends?
  4. That was the coolest thing I've ever heard anyone say about anything ever. It was just...perfect. Haha! But cellas pants will always be top, is what i meant to say ;D
  5. Zexion


    Look...you guys are missing the point. I NEVER ONCE claimed that this WAS love. However, this thread was simply MY perspective as a young teenager...nothing more. I may not have had all the experience in the world with love, but at the same time...does it HONESTLY seem fair to tell someone they can't be in love because their young? I mean...my older brother has liked the same girl since he was 11 and is now married to her. So...you can flame me for this all you want. But just remember, you are flaming me for NOTHING more than my personal opinions. To CardCaptorDeadpool: I was not in a bad mood when I wrote this...I'm actually happier than I've been in a while. I was just showing you all MY TEENAGE perspective on the double edge sword. There are ups and downs...and unfortunately, I'm the kind who "falls in love" fast. BUT, I will not be doing that ANYMORE because I'm going to start focusing on my schoolwork and my family. I'll deal with "love" at a much later date. Now, CardCaptor & Gunmetal...I DO agree with you that I can't yet comprehend love, and I'm sorry if you thought this is what I was doing. But as I stated several times before, I was simple giving an opinion. I didn't say love was perfect, nor did I say it was a bad thing. And I encourage ANYONE who reads this thread, to read my words in this post BEFORE posting their own words of wisdom.
  6. Zexion


    I'm not here to tell you love is a joke, or that you shouldn't try...but I merely want to give you a better perspective on one observer's look on love. Love is like a drug. It is what warms your heart on the coldest day in the middle of winter. It courses through your veins and makes you feel more alive than ever before. It's like a constant adrenaline rush without a consequence. It is something that can make you push harder than you ever have before...it is the greatest feeling in the world... But on the flip side, it can make you feel like the world is a cruel place. To find that ONE person for you, you must suffer a lot of trial and error. A lot of pain and said goodbyes, and a lot of heartache. Breaking up with someone that you really care about, whether you or the other person did something wrong...or if you just don't think it's best in the long run...there will always be sadness. It's inevitable...just like falling in love. There is a difference between liking someone and loving them. My experience with the difference is like this...when you like someone, it feels like love. You would do ANYTHING for them. You constantly tell them that you love them and that you're thinking about them. You take them places, you kiss, you touch...you feel a warm embrace and believe you are in love. But you're not. When you TRULY love someone...you don't constantly have to tell them, they know. You don't always have to tell them that you're thinking about them, they know. You don't have to be with them EVERY second to feel them close to you. Everyday is something you treasure, only because of them. They become the air you breathe and every decision you make...you make with their best interest in mind. So, I'm not gonna tell you to follow my love advice...like I said, this is my experience.
  7. Girls don't "understand" guys...so, we'll let you learn about us. Guys, ANY rules for being a guy you can think of...post it below.
  8. Her name is Leanna...God, are you ALWAYS gonna start problems? You say you want me to leave you alone, and I do...yet you insist on talking to me. AND you could have just as easily sent me a private message if you were legitimately concerned. I think you made that post so she would read, get mad, and break up with me. I'm sorry Luzze...but you're a manipulator. Now, please leave ME alone. I don't mean to intervene... but don't the rules say we're not supposed to post anything offensive in the threads? "^^ I'm sure name-calling and arguing can apply to "offensive" "^^ Just a thought. I said my peace, and I'm done. I never would've wasted my breathe arguing.
  9. Our love isn't strong anymore...I never wanted to hurt you. I still love you...but...this love WAS a lie. On both ends.
  10. If you were in love...you would too. I'm the next Tom Cruise.
  11. C'mon...you knew we were failing...
  13. You guys really want this heartbreaker (not the good kind) all up in yo dreams!?
  15. HELL NO! I'll give all you little muthaWHATS some cookies and shit...and I'll even polish F[r]iend's carjack!
  16. That little bitch broke my heart...let me for anotha little bitch! (no offense to that person)...he's gonna die!!! Pick a side, bitches! (pardon my language...I'm feeling very black today)
  17. Hello, I'm THE MOST powerful, influential, and popular member on here...damn, I'm like the Clint Eastwood of forums. But I digest...welcome!!!
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