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Everything posted by Zexion

  1. 'Cuz blue is da shiz! But I also like red...
  2. I'm sick with that stupid H1N1...so, Imma go die now. Bye!!!
  3. *Pulls out a book and begins to read...* Shit....I'm screwed.
  4. *Eyes open* You think...I would fall THAT easily? *Stands up* You're sadly mistaken! *hands burst into flames* Give the Death Notes to me *Grabs both Death Notes and the extra pages* Now these can never be used against me! *Sets fire to the Death Notes and pages* THIS IS IT!!! *Begins to glow* I WILL NOT LOOSE!!!! *Performs move known as Ultima and destroys everyone and everything within a 500ft. radios*
  5. *coughs* you....can't *cough* kill...me!
  6. *Shoots DeathSkull, and he dies* Neither of us wanted you.
  7. One down...3 to go. *Looks for Larxene*
  8. Damn straight. *cocks gun* *everyone sees me walking in with bad-ass clothes and a machine gun in one hand and a pistol in another* If any of you decide to f*ck with me, I came well prepared to blow your f*cking brains out...that's right, I'm talking to you Terez.
  9. Well, the way people are....there are a lot of people who are shunned because of color of their skin. Do you think they want to be made fun of? Do you think they want to know that there are people out there who hate him and call him offensive names...even though they don't know him. I have no problem with someone of a different race, but you have to be careful with being friends with someone of another race...because if you get mad at that person, you might as well get "Racist" tattooed to your forehead.
  10. So not fair, plus...furby and I parted ways.
  11. Wait, Xion...you're on my side? What a unmistakable turn of events that I totally mistook. 0.0'
  12. In time...our differences shall be forgotten. *walks away*
  13. I'm asking you, Luzze. Whattya say?
  14. *flips you off* I'm done. *walks away* Imma poor sport! -shot-
  15. Zexion


    EBAY! EBAY! EBAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYokLWfqbaU
  16. If anyone is keeping score it's Team Zexion - 2 Team Terez - 1
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