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Everything posted by Zexion

  1. A group chat? PLUS the other one is really glitchy. (Why in the hell are we debating this? )
  2. No clans...we do something different here at KH13. We have turf wars...started by yours truly. The title is called (Turf War: Person vs Person) For instance. Turf War: Zexion vs DChiuch And then you get a team and blow the other team up. Do it in the Random section.
  3. Well...I can't multitask. And what about the younger kids who sneak onto the forum and can't have messengers on their computers. This is the next best thing.
  4. Zexion


    I wasn't refering to me ... I was refering to the peoples suffering in Africa and such. and I don't believe in god, I have a good life. and it's sure not because of him. and btw ... is there really a "right idea about god"? Right or wrong, what we believe is what we believe. Our beliefs keep us sane and secure...and who are we to judge one another for what makes us comfortable?
  5. Zexion


    Yeah...she doesn't bite. Just bitch slaps you with facts.
  6. Zexion


    Wow...that was friggin' amazing. I never could have said it better myself.
  7. *Draws card* I play Lightning Vortex. I discard 1 card and I can destroy all monsters you control, regardless of position. *Spellbinding Circle goes to graveyard* I lay one card face down and end my turn!
  8. *Draws card* I play Spellbinding Circle...your Cosmo Queen can't do a thing. I lay another monster in facedown, defense mode.
  9. Well...we could make a thread all about the injustices of KHI.
  10. Silh and Shamdeo are horrible people, and staff. They say when Shamdeo became an admin...he was the second coming of Jesus.
  11. Zexion


    ew...that's a tad bit unhealthy, sticking your dirty feet in your mouth. You can get diseases from doing that. @.x I suppose your right. Can you say "Gonorrhea in the throat"?
  12. Me too...you wouldn't be the Kushi we all love if you had!
  13. Zexion


    ... how does religion do that? and why would I talk to jesusfreak, she sstill won't make me believe in "god" Kairi@ like you and your Sims? Luzze~ Lol, yes. Like me and my Sims...except I let them starve to death and drown and stuff...and in the sims 2 I let them get eaten alive by flies and get satilites to fall and crush them while they're innocently watching the clouds.... ... Oh hell, I am sadistic... Religion is a fad. Running behind the mods for something you started? Wow...fail... Again, religion threads always seem to end up in arguments. And in case you didn't figure this one out yet, this whole thread is in an argument. Lol... No, I just want to see others opinions before I put my foot in my mouth.
  14. The staff is corrupt as hell. That's why I love KH13.
  15. Zexion


    Well...I'm going to wait to reply anymore until someone like, Kaiso or Cella post...they have more intel than I. I don't want to get myself in trouble.
  16. Yes! I remember doing all of that on KHInsider...that website ruined my forum etiquette.
  17. Zexion

    What if?

    I am bisexual What if everyone hated me because I was?
  18. Zexion


    I've always thought it was to make us stronger and bring us together with the people who we do have. And when we lose someone, it makes us appreciate who we DO have. Why don't you talk to JesusFreak about that part?
  19. Zexion


    I will not flame you for this, but there is a word for believing without seeing. It's called faith...it's almost like believing the best will come out of something. Faith has pulled me through the death of my father and grandmother, the miracle of my little brother living, my mom living through breast cancer, my older brother living through a battle with drugs...pretty much every bad thing.
  20. Zexion

    What if?

    That would suck, Demyx. What if I was bismexual?
  21. Zexion


    Well, I agree...but it seems that on THE MOST popular Kingdom Hearts forum, their Religious thread has done well. And what's wrong? I just want to see how people differ in this aspect and why they believe what they believe. But...I know everyone has a different opinion even if we're in the same religion, and I know we're more mature than to fight about it and flame. So, let's give it a shot.
  22. Okay guys, everyone has a view on this...even if you're an atheist. So, what do you think? And let's make this an intelligent conversation. None of this: GAWD IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOOL!
  23. Yeah...but not everyone else does and I don't want to manage a bunch of messengers.
  24. He's my best friend. Why do I gotta be nice!? He's used to my verbal abuse!
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