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Everything posted by Zexion

  1. Ahahaha! This was so much fun to make! pv_5lcxDS74 YAYAAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!! PART 3! Wi9A8VTSlM8 Take 2!!! 5JRqZYOLNcw OMG!!! PART 4! 3j4ANag2FIw
  2. Welcome Luna! *gives welcome cookie* We will be eating your soul now. Have a nice time!
  3. [align=center]Chapter 1 [/align] "Well, the lights were bright" I explained to my dad as he sat next to my hospital bed, gripping my hand tightly. "Everything was happening so fast, I lost control...the brakes wouldn't work, and my hands were shaking too much to keep them on the wheel" I continued to say, and my dad started to cry. It was odd to me, seeing my father cry was like seeing a UFO...it never happened, when he cried you know something terrible had happened. I was in a car accident, but I didn't know that until I had come back to consciousness from the anesthetic my doctor gave me to ease the pain. I was trying to figure out what all had happened to me, my mom was a complete wreck and my dad was getting there so I couldn't very easily ask them. "Were the other people hurt too? I couldn't live with myself if someone died" I said as I tried to remember everything about the crash. My mom began to sob again and my dad remained silent, never loosening his grip on my hand. "I don't know, Micheal. Nobody has said anything...just lay back for a couple of minutes, the doctor is going to be here soon to talk to you" my dad said through tears and grit teeth. I put my head back on my pillow and closed my eyes, still trying to remember everything. I tried to remember the car I hit, what I tried to do to prevent the crash, I even thought about the people inside...were there children? I almost couldn't bare the thought of hurting a child, it made me sick to my stomach to think about it. I think a full ten minutes had passed by when the door came open and my doctor stepped inside with a "bad news" face, my stomach tied itself in a knot and I felt a tear start to form in the corner of my eye. "Mister and Misses Wells, may I speak with you outside in the hallway for a moment?" he said as he looked at his chart and shook his head. My mom and dad followed him out there for about seven minutes. Half way through that seven minutes, I heard my mom burst into tears and my dad was trying to comfort her by saying "Debrah, I know this is a very difficult time...but if we have faith, everything will be okay." I was scared by now. First, Dr. Bower takes them out in the hallway, then my mom cries and dad tells her that faith will pull us through...my dad wasn't even religious, so for him to say something like that meant that I must be dying or something. My dad walked in with his left arm around my mom's shoulder, he walked her over to a seat then sat down where he originally was. He looked at me and grabbed my hand again, he put his other hand on my leg...but to my surprise, I couldn't feel it. Come to think of it, I couldn't feel my legs...THAT WAS IT! I had lost my legs, I was going to be paralyzed. I was hoping I was just being paranoid, and my dad would tell me that something was wrong but it would be much minor than this. But unfortunately, his next words were exactly as I had feared...he told me that Dr. Bower said a piece of the door nailed me in a bad place on my spine and they don't think I'll recover. How was I going to handle this? I put my head back on my pillow again and started to cry. The only thing I had left to do was figure out how to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. It was going to be hard, emotionally and psychically...but it was probably going to be my only option, unless the doctor also said that my hands were broke and I'd never be able to work a wheel. This was the beginning of the hardest struggle of my life.
  4. FYI I'm the hot one in the Sooners T-shirt.
  5. Me made this video. >.< HFkZJsALWfg
  6. I'm taking over Youtube!!! Check me out! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKiiwGyzj3Y
  7. i like yours! Why, thank you.
  8. 1. Kairi: I swear to God, it was THIS BIG. 2. Riku: Squirt, with a little work...you could look like me! 3. Sora: No officer, I wasn't speeding...I'm alive aren't I *pukes* 4. Roxas: *making gun noises* Pew, pew, pew...GOTCHA! 5. Axel: Hi! Billy Mays Here! 6/7. Sora: Can I touch your ass? Axel: Do you not see the current situation? *awkward silence* Axel: Okay, fine.
  9. The dragon unleashes destruction upon the area directly in front of it, so avoid standing there. Jump and glide to the beast's rear legs, and jump onto it's back. Run along the length of the dragon to the base of its neck, and use the Strike Raid ability when it's head reaches to your level. It's critical to chain combos during the Strike Raid. Watch your attack menu and use the "Raid" command at the moment it lights up. Do this several times successfully, and the final "Judgment" combo command will appear. This string of attacks will completely deplete your MP, so use and Ether or Megalixir (depending on your party's condition) and do it again. When the dragon has just a little health remaining, it will probably shake Sora off its back. It's very difficult to remount the dragon, so stand a few steps under the creature and perform Ars Arcanum. If the dragon moves, or if you run out of MP, run under its head and chain physical combos to its nose until the battle ends. For winning this conflict, you receive the Fireglow.
  10. Welcome! We will be eating your soul now, enjoy your stay!
  11. Zexion

    Hi all

    Welcome, your heart now belongs to us. Have fun! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif
  12. Zexion

    Hi all

    Welcome my friend. I'm Zexion, your future ruler!
  13. Well, I like them both...so I'll state my reasons for liking both. Kingdom Hearts - The story line was rich, and the leveling was a lot more work than number two...but you really had options for leveling, so it was very customizable (to a point) Kingdom Hearts II - However a button masher, the reaction commands called for a high level of simplicity. But the story-line was much cuter, and unfortunately...it didn't yield the level of difficulty that number one had. So, all in all...I like number one better because I like a challenge.
  14. Well, it helps in ANY boss battles...to learn their patterns. Because let's face it, every boss has a pattern of attacks. Once you crack Vexen's, use it against him.
  15. Marluxia...I'm Zexion. *believes this is how Marluxia and Zexion met* Welcome to the Organization...try not to get yourself blown up.
  16. Well, after beating the game 17+ times...I finally starting pwning them ALL! Between races and sparring, I had Riku beat 99 - 0! That was 99 potions for the road. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif
  17. Ahahaha! I've done more than my fair share of posting...and now everyone knows the name ZEXION! That's Z-E-X-I-O-N, got it memorized? *Reppage for the Axel quote!*
  18. Zexion

    I'm new

    Well, it seems odd considering that I wouldn't expect there to be a "light" side of insanity. Hmmm....you've given my much to think about, I'll ponder this in great detail.
  19. Wow, this doesn't set any perverts up to make any sick jokes.
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