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Everything posted by Zexion

  1. I LOVE YOU CODEDBYDAYS!!! No, this is totally serious. She and I are really together. I was in that slump, and she worked really hard to help me...and I really trust her. I decided to give love one last chance, and I'm glad it was with her. I love you CodedByDays.
  2. I'm gonna get in trouble for this, but me and my friend just made it up and I had to share it. (Oscar Mayer Wiener Parody) Ohhhhhhhh! I WISH I HAD A BLACK GUY'S WIENER, THEN EVER GIRL'D BE IN LOVE WITH ME!!! MY WIENER HAS A FIRST NAME, IT K-A-N-Y-E!!! MY WIENER HAS A LAST NAME, IT'S W-E-S-T...and he doesn't like Taylor Swift.
  3. I suppose it is. (Epic Sephiroth music plays) We'll now see who's carjack is superior.
  4. Oh well *gets sawed off shotgun* Let's get to work...
  5. Sorry JF...I gotta roll with KHNnub. He had my back and now I have his. Don't take it personally. (It's weird that I was the one who started turf wars, and now it's starting to catch on. )
  6. What's This (Me Singing) ZGK3npEuzXo Seize The Day (Me Singing) uH4PgXu-smw Sailed Away (Demo) HRpQPJ4tF4A You'll See Boys (Me Singing) FB1MWqTXeMg Tango Maureen (Me Singing) _tLjHRLhu5w Life Support (Me Singing) yIAr5f28B_s Seasons Of Love (Me Singing) Vn91fIhjpg4 Collide (Me Singing) 5vRmDoa1mDM Bring Me To Life (Me Singing) w9UvEXzh-j4 Guardian Angel (Original Song) P0mPOgNc_4E Diary Of A Fallen Hero (Original Song) 5a3EXLpogz0 Teenagers (Me Singing) 0kClZrxPUk0 Iris (Take 2) iWFWxeH5O1M Cancer (Me Singing) lFg5Z8uFVL0 Phenomenon (Me Singing) Cc6DdT9zEC0 Iris (Me Singing) VKiiwGyzj3Y
  7. I've been planning on this for a while.
  8. After today, ZachElamVids will be shut down and I WILL NOT be making anymore videos.
  9. As I said...I appreciate it...but no thanks.
  10. No, no, no...she didn't cheat on me. We never were...
  11. JesusFreak, KHnub...I appreciate your concern...but I don't want any help.
  12. I fell in love with a girl who was just like me IN EVERYWAY. She and I swore that we were made from the same damn DNA... She told me that I was the most amazing guy she'd ever met and that she loved me and wanted to spend her life with me...then she gets with another guy, firetrucks him, and says that I'm a firetrucking asshole and that I never meant anything to her. So, I WILL NEVER be in another relationship again. I NEVER want to get married, or any of that firetrucking bullshit.
  13. Love is pure, complete bullshit. It's for people who NEED someone to lean on because they can't do it themselves. If you want my advice...I say "firetruck love!" It's twisted, difficult, and firetruckED UP! ...that is all...
  14. I'll kill Deathskull...he was my best friend.
  15. Yeah, I had the color on my t.v. turned to really bright and you can see it.
  16. At the end of the game, when Ansem is talking about wanting Kingdom Hearts to fill him with darkness, did anyone else notice the black heart around the door?
  17. Thank you JF. You can expect chapter 2 tomorrow. Or maybe tonight, whenever I'm back in the mood to write.
  18. Chapter 1 Chapter 1 I didn't sleep that night, I felt ill. I was either burning like fire, or freezing like the middle of winter. My lack of rest was unfortunate due to the fact that I was to attending a meeting of the grand council. They were to be deciding who was to be the next king since he had no heir to his throne. It was odd that I had been asked to join in on the council meeting, solely because no mortal was ever supposed to know what was discussed behind those doors. Perhaps that's why I did not sleep, perhaps I was afraid. Afraid that they would turn me into...one of them. The Monograth's were formed in the year 27 B.C., by a man who's identity is unknown they simply called him "Key". For what reason, I do not know. Possibly because he held the key to making the Monograths the most power beings on Earth, and he also held the key to their destruction. Monograths are an indescribable race. They are neither man nor beast, they behaviors are suspiciously close to that of a vampire, but there is a difference. These beings had supernatural powers that would rock the very fabric of time. And I, a mere mortal was to stand before the greatest Monograths this world has ever seen. Some of them, the original Monograths who had learn the path to immortality. Was I to become one of them? Generally you can only become a Monograth genetically, because a mortal's blood is toxic to those creatures. But I suppose that one who has learned the path to immortality need only fear the removal of one of their fangs. Whether a Monograth is immortal or not, the removal of their fangs with make their body rot from the inside out. It's ingenious really, because before you even got close enough to rip a fang from their mouth, they would rip you to pieces and leave your soul to burn forever in Hell. I am the leader of the human army, the one who stands in alliance with the Monograths. I've protected our kingdom from all varieties of beasts, but never a Monograth. I would have to modify my battle tactics to suit those Earth walking demons. I surveyed the clock, I had one hour before the meeting. I went to the chest at the bottom of my bed, shuffled through the blankets and grabbed the only weapon I'd need; a knife. I also grabbed a bandage, I figured it would come in handy later. I sat on the bed and went into deep thought. I wondered what I was to expect, what the elders would look like. I wondered if MY invitation had been a mistake and that if I walked in, I would be executed for breaking a holy tradition. The clock seemed to stand still, as I waited eagerly. I rested my head on my pillow and looked at the white ceiling. About what seemed to be 10 minutes later, there was a knock on my door and a gruff voice on the other side said "It's time for the meeting." I stood up and walked to the door, I looked outside and there was nobody in the corridor. I walked across the court yard, up to the palace. The guards gave me entry and I walked in. To the left, down a long hallway were the doors to the council's meeting room. I walked down the hallway in a heavy sweat, I was trembling. My stomach was in knots, and I felt very nauseated. I knocked on the door and someone opened it. I saw the council room open up in front of me for the very first time. It was huge and magnificent, and on the ceiling was a replica of the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. I walked up a staircase to an empty seat and looked down at the council elder's table. They were not there yet, and the sunlight on the golden table made the room sparkle. I awaited their arrival, looking around at all of the vicious faces looking at me. And suddenly, I knew I didn't belong.
  19. Prologue Prologue The high ruler...how long has it been since I abandoned that name, and that life? Eons ago I was a hollow shell of nothing but greed, and empty promises. But now I see my wrong doing. It was right that my master stripped me of the life I had not only abused, but forsaken. Now I rule a new throne, the throne of the Underworld. I would consider Hell, Heaven compared to this place. It's like living inside my old personality, cold and evil; where my only warmth and comfort was the occasional feast of souls that momentarily took my mind off of this God forsaken wasteland of dejected spirits. In life, I was considered a ruthless bastard who could never satisfy his appetite for destruction. But in death...I shall become so much more.
  20. My life is being consumed by another forum and my voice acting work, so my time on here is being cut VERY short. So... See ya around when I can.
  21. We seriously need as many voice actors and actresses as we can get to meet our deadline of having the lines for KH1 recorded by the end of this month. If you're interested, reply here. You must have: a very good quality mic. A quiet place to record. Skype. The ability to read and record lines fluidly. Let me know if you're interested and we'll set you up with an audition.
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