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  1. July 27th?! That's my birthday! O_O If it releases then it would be the greatest gift in my life
  2. OH MY GOD! I AM SPEECHLESS! There is NO words that can describe the pure EPIC AWESOMENESS of these trailers! Lea is back! Was Sora, Riku, and Mickey fighting the original Xehanort!? @w@ Is this the return of the Riku Replica!? How does young Xehanort know Sora & Riku?!?! WHO REALLY IS VANITAS?!? GAHHH So many questions >w< Now I HAVE to get the 3DS!
  3. So Riku lost his confidence? D: I guess it was to be expected, but still..*shocked* And a sequel to TWEWY!? @A@
  4. True that, tulupe dupe!(<- ignore that, just...idk) Though I thought Riku now uses Darkness and Light. And Sora from the Heart. I think anyways.
  5. Oh my gawd that was so annoying, I feel your anger! D:< But I still don't get Xemnas's powers. If Sora could beat him then, how come it was even more annoying/hard to get him the last time? *eye twitch* Stupid clones...
  6. Well you got a point there . But technically, It was Riku who defeated Ansem, but yeah Sora did kinda beat him too. I still don't really get that. Was that really Xemnas he was fighting or just a clone? Plus when he did start fighting Xemnas, he had Riku helping him. AND During the final battle it took the both of em to beat him.
  7. Yeah that's what I'm thinking as well. It's just how Sora and Riku reacted that kinda makes me think..
  8. I honestly like the new look. Many aren't too found of it. Like Sora's new outit? I can understand. It has a little too much red for my tastes, but then again, maybe it doesn't fit KH Sora, I can definitely see KH II Sora with it though. And... I'm pretty sure you seen it but Sora has that X over his chest. I'm not too sure if it means something but I can't help but think that it's hinting at something! Ven, Terra and Aqua had some sort of X on their clothes(dont believe me look for yourself!). So yeah, I may be getting over my head but I can't help but think something's going on in Sora's heart...or mind. Riku is.... definitely different! I can blame you guys for that one. We all were expecting him to keep his long (sexy) hair but you got to remember. This is Kingdom Hearts we're talking about, expect the unexpected! So yeah, honestly I really, REALLY like Riku's new clothes. They're super cool and stuff. At first I wasn't too sure about his hair but then I really like it. I mean, now you can get a good look at his eyes! I mean, seriously, look at them. They're so clear and...serious *shudders* not to mention mature(?). I'm not too sure if you guys noticed it though, but when I was watching Riku's gameplay there was the Dream Eaters symbol on his back. Yeah, go watch it if you want but yeah! Not that there's anything wrong with it, I think it fits and really cool. But... why is it there? That's the question right there. Does it has something to do with his darkness? Or something...more.
  9. Who do you think will win(or become masters)? Honestly, I think they both will. But when I read the translation of the trailer... or rather this part: First I was like, whoa Sora, getting a little arrogant there. And like a wise man once said: "Arrogance will get you killed!" So yeah, how many times did we see the prideful ones fall? Example: um...let me see...RIKU??!?!? Plus, what Riku says too kinda gets to me. He's really taking being wielder of a keyblade seriously. Now I'm starting to think that maybe, MAYBE! Riku will become a master BEFORE Sora. That, or he actually isn't worthy of being a KeyBearer. So yeah, what do you guys and gals think of it?
  10. It would be really awesome if Riku had a game o his own, but I can't see it happening right now D:. I mean, as a playable character would be awesome, for all the games, but a game? Maybe after the Xehanort saga.. I really hope Riku gets some more spotlight
  11. Rinnnng! Rinnnng! The man groaned, turning over in his sleep. His hand took venture across the bed. Eventually, he came across his drawer. The phone continued to ring, the vibrations running along the drawer's marble coverage. Eventually he came across the object. He groaned and brought it to his ear.
  12. Eden nodded. "The chaos theory is logical.." He glanced at them, "But putting that theory... into reality?" He sighed and starred out the window. "It's scientifically impossible.."
  13. Eden snapped his fingers, pointing his pointer at her. "Exactly, my point." He looked out the window down at the city, just in time to see a tall building collapse. "And for some reason... I think I know exactly where their source of life resides.." He waved the two over to the window. "Look..." He pointed at wires around the city. "I couldn't help but wonder why they never venture out the city, and why they brought us here in the first.." He glanced a look at the two. "So maybe it's because they can't leave it... and I believe that's because.." He then pointed towards the city of the city. "That they can only 'live' within city walls- because the city is actually the power source!"
  14. Eden mumbled something to himself before crumbling up the paper and tossing it aside. He sighed depressingly and sat back in the rocking chair. "They're trying to become the evolution of us.." Eden chuckled, "Kind of funny since they're just...Machines..." Eden stoodback up, "They're just machines... Machines....Robots..." His eyes just went wide, and turned to Azura and Joe, smiling widely. "They're just MACHINES!"
  15. Eden rose an eyebrow at Joe. "That's quite the theory you have there, but have you ever questioned WHY they used ordinary steel pallets in the first place?" Eden spread out the paper on the table "Look," he pointed at a print. "If they used high-speed steel, then it would be obvious that they're not entirely human." He looked up at Joe, "Humans can barely take over a hundred degrees..." He stood back some, observing the paper again. "That means they're trying to make EXACT replicas of us, but with some major upgrades." He pointed at another picture. "Such as eyes that can shoot laser beams."
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