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About KairiSpaz

  • Birthday 03/25/1994

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  • Member Title
    Silly Serious/Artist/Internet Lurker
  • Gender
  1. VANITAS. AND LEA. AND TERRANOT. COME ON. BRING BACK THE OTHERS TOO PLEASE. ...CAN YOU TELL I'M EXCITED. Okay I'm turning my caps off now. but omg... want to watch the trailer so badly now...
  2. Again. moving somewhere else won't stop american sites from being shut down by having their money cut off... I wouldn't be surprised that, if the US adopted these rules, everywhere else did, as well.
  3. The big issue is that they're capable of shutting down methods of payment to the website. Which would mean any website based in the US(Maybe even outside of, but the us? for sure.) Now go look up how many of your favorite websites are based in the us. Moving to Canada or getting foreign computers won't solve anything, or very little.
  4. The bill is real and that website is a combination of groups trying to stop it. I'll leave this. I can link more websites if anyone wants it. Including several petitions.. although just going to the american censorship day website(which has a video as well as names of many of the opposing groups) should work... http://www.opencongress.org/bill/112-h3261/show The biggest issue everyone is having is that it could block sites like twitter, tumblr, facebook. And this website. Any content that is copyrighted, if even a portion of the website is dedicated to infringement, can be taken down, and by "dedicated" I mean anything on a website that is copyrighted, regardless of "fair use". Or, basically, using something for non-commercial use. The video clips on this website are considered copyrighted by Square Enix. So is the music you all use your videos, unless you sing it and play it yourself, and only if it's not a cover.
  5. Still suggesting everyone read up about SOPA/Protect IP...

  6. Banned for banning the conspiriting conspirators
  7. Hanging around...

  8. Oh good gods. Someone... MAKE IT STOP.
  9. ...Hm. Play them all in order?
  10. Looking through this thread and laughing my rear off. I don't think Namine's dress is much longer than Kairi's... unless it's the zippers? I think it's a cute dress, honestly. I wouldn't wear it, but... regardless. I like most of the female KH characters... but ALL of them, except for Aqua, needed more development. Kairi's reckless, but she certainly cares about her friends. She's just the slightest bit spunky.. But maybe needs some more independence. She's much better in the manga, really... a little boring in the game series. I tend to like most of the characters better in the manga if only because you get to see more personality/interaction.
  11. The petition on this site is TO STOP the bill. Thank god.
  12. Silly friends are the best.

  13. Lucky for you I don't see a lot of moms out with their kids anymore... otherwise you might be in trouble there.
  14. Any information would be great... I'm far too curious about the end of the last trailer.
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