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Everything posted by MasterXemnas

  1. Fool. My sexy level on a scale from one to ten.
  2. There's someone on here who I just want to tell them that they are so annoying, but that would make me a hypocrite.

    1. MasterXemnas


      I'll remain quiet. I don't a bunch of people attacking (telling the truth to) me afterwards.

    2. Ruby Rose
    3. KHUndertaleFan25
    4. Show next comments  96 more
  3. Fool. Glad you posted this. What makes it great?
  4. Fool. All of your sexual orientations are pretty unimportant.
  5. Fool. Piss him off. Let's discuss something else so the thread isn't wasted.
  6. Fool. So I guess announcing it doesn't necessarily give us a release date, now does it? So your reasoning for needing an announcement to give the release date doesn't make much sense. Instead of asking for an announcement, just ask for a release date.
  7. Fool. Maybe they don't need to announce it since everyone knows they're working on it.
  8. Fool. I get the first one I see on the shelf and let fate guide my way.
  9. Fool. They should have took it further. They should have put the brother there and have him say, "I don't even know why I'm here."
  10. Fool They should move on. How bad is it that a company would have to rely on releasing old games to get sales. Square Enix should be doing the next big things.
  11. Fool. No, not anymore. It's too expensive to win.
  12. Fool. I think you keep all your stuff. But yeah, you start from the beginning.
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