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Everything posted by MasterXemnas

  1. Fool. Demyx was putting on an act the entire act. One of a Nobody's main weapons is being able to pretend to have emotions. He also never really had any friends in the organization. With always putting on an act, and never really trying, he remained mostly heartless. Hence to reveal of him being emotionless. But he obviously grew some sort feelings towards something. It could even be bad feelings. Unless he is one of the Norts we'll see in KH3, then we'll know that he never grew his own heart.
  2. Fool. Almost everything has sugar, so watch out.
  3. Fool. Sugar can cause nightmares. Try to stay away from it before going to bed.
  4. Fool. The Wii U will probably have been repurposed to be a frisbee by then.
  5. Fool. If it was going to be on the Wii U, I'm sure Square would have said it.
  6. http://www.amazon.com/CTMWEB-Kingdom-Hearts-Cosplay-Costume/dp/B003TD5RE4/ref=sr_1_19?m=AVUGGKM8T2ML2&s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1394253745&sr=1-19 Pretty cheap from what I've seen before. For the sake of discussion, which organization member looked best in the cloak?
  7. Fool. I'm going to make a signature about this, so everyone will always be reminded.
  8. Fool. Half of it is just to figure out how to market it better.
  9. Fool. The fool part almost makes me want to join.
  10. Fool. Lollipop chainsaw. Definitely the Resistance series.
  11. Fool. Pleasant surprise when I went on Youtube. About time.
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