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Everything posted by MasterXemnas

  1. Fool. It might very well be true if Kingdom Hearts ends up adding Star Wars or Marvel things. It would become stupid. They should try to keep the majority of the fan base happy.
  2. Fool. The series needs to end. It doesn't need to drag on and a bunch of random stuff that doesn't fit to bring it down.
  3. Fool. Mine sometimes won't read discs at all. One of the latches inside it is kind of broken, so it doesn't think it's closed sometimes when it is.
  4. Fool. I made the signature because a certain user made a thread telling everyone on the site to stop saying Hey Guys because it's sexist, even though her(?) reasoning was extremely sexist. And my user name has Xemnas, so Xemnas is kind of my thing.
  5. Fool. Jump and swing. Work on spacing and timing.
  6. Fool. Good question. Wish I had a catch phrase...
  7. Fool. A few years ago it was only a single generation old.
  8. Fool. I think Mickey was a king that just could have married a princess. They can travel between worlds.
  9. Fool. If you can somehow connect it to the main story, it might work. It has to seem interesting to someone who has never heard of Kingdom Hearts.
  10. Fool. Not very good. Some of the format is off for a screenplay. Your targeted audience will be very very very small. I'd say you should almost never turn a bad fan fic into a film. Either do something something original or stick with the original KH story. Otherwise it will be a waste of time and money.
  11. Fool. Technically, they already teamed up. And Hades already made it clear he doesn't like the other villains in his world.
  12. Fool. Don't know what you're talking about. Shawshank Redemption is the best movie of all time.
  13. Fool. Just about to end my freshman year in a few weeks. It's pretty cool. I've already made a couple of short films, work on a lot of others, and I'll be shooting a documentary tomorrow. There's always parties I hear, but I never go. Not interested in that sort of thing.
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