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Everything posted by MasterXemnas

  1. Fool. They are putting the max amount of attention and work that they think they can.
  2. Fool. Funny since Star Wars is an Americanized version of popular Japanese movies.
  3. Picture is mine now.

  4. Fool. That will be a very short time span. Two weeks between the two books.
  5. Fool. Kingdom Hearts had the best experience. With the heroes established and much cooler enemies, the story really shined. It was fun to play and you just felt cool playing it. Kingdom Hearts 1 was really good, but 2 was better. The stories for the rest of the games weren't nearly as good. Chain's was alright, and so was 358 days. But everything else wasn't that good.
  6. Fool. I don't go on there anymore.
  7. Fool. I see a Chimera. Hopefully something Resistance will be playable.
  8. Fool. If cool was the deciding factor, that armor would look way different, if there would be armor in the first place.
  9. Fool. The opening part with the capes were taken from the secret endings. I know why they couldn't have them, but now that it was already done without them, there's no reason to put them in.
  10. Fool. The capes are not apart of the story. It would be out of the blue to put them in when it is canon that they don't have capes. The only time we saw capes was in the secret endings, and those aren't canon either.
  11. Fool. From the vibe I get, I can just say that I hope that there are villains that are introduced at he end of the game that were the true masterminds and that Xehanort was just a pawn.
  12. Fool. And? You weren't in the "we". What's your point with this thread?
  13. Fool. Well, it's no one's firetrucking business whether we use our math skills a lot or not. Other people being bad at it is not our problem.
  14. Fool. It's not the current generation. It was two girls that happen to be from a particular generation. People from all generations have done completely horrendous things that this does not even compare.
  15. Fool. It puts a lot of emphasis on how the individual doesn't matter. That what people do should be for the "greater good". And this only pertains to the lower class of people while the higher ups are allowed to maintain their individualism.
  16. Fool. It's alright. I don't really like the message it sends.
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