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Everything posted by MasterXemnas

  1. Fool. I feel like these are fake questions. But I can't be sure since people are trying to answer them seriously.
  2. Fool. It's a good thing that damage doesn't increase.
  3. Fool. He wasn't actually saying she was his friend. He was just being evil.
  4. Fool. Not enough time. Not considered important.
  5. I remember in Kingdom Hearts 2 with the Secret Reports, the original members' names (of Organization 13) were misspelled because of a translation error. Do you think they will take the time to fix that along with other typos?
  6. Fool. All of the worlds are real, they are just in a dream state. This grid is just real compared to the one in KH2, which was a copy.
  7. Fool. It's too bad. Everyone I've made play the game ended up loving it. It's people not wanting to try new things.
  8. Fool. We've already seen Shiki's true appearance, and it doesn't look like that.
  9. Fool. Not really funny. And for levitate. It just literally levitates. None of these were literal.
  10. Fool. Yes. Eventually, my original Kingdom Hearts games will be unusable. It's good to have a newer version of them.
  11. Fool. I don't think Roxas was serious about who he was going to have ice cream with. He was just letting Xion know that she was one of the only people he wanted to have ice cream with. Roxas was telling her that she can't leave.
  12. Fool. As if birthdays are all that important anyway. Reason 2 and 3 are just bad on any day. Reason 1 is stupid. Just because it's your birthday you deserve a "happy birthday" from someone? Get over yourself.
  13. Fool. A lot of KH2 battles. I liked Xemnas' final fight.
  14. Fool. Terra being saved is pretty much Xehanort being defeated. Which means Terra will have to be saved at the end of the game. Unless Terra is already back since Xehanort didn't come back with Terra's body.
  15. Fool. The majority of people who play video games do not partake in this war. It is a minority. Don't even pay attention to it.
  16. https://vimeo.com/95426705 Funny short film I helped with.
    1. King Demise

      King Demise

      So there's one with you in it?

    2. MasterXemnas


      I'm in a lot of short films and one music video. But I prefer to be behind the camera most of the time.

    3. King Demise

      King Demise

      That's pretty amazing

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