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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Super ninja transformation douchebag sign off for months jutsu....thing....meh.

    1. Lee Kuro 10

      Lee Kuro 10

      The music on your profile scared the shit outta me at first. Now it's stuck in my head. Damn you.

  2. I have little clue how you guys can screw up like idiots when I don't sign, I swear. I may of not of been on for a while, but if I get back on for simple KH news and we're going back to this shit of making fun of mental conditions such as aspergers or whatever was made fun in this case, then this forum still hasn't grown maturity as it should have. Read your status, feels bad man, feels bad. You can be really meh sometimes, but never seen you like that. So for once in a lifetime, I express sorriness for you, and hopes that you won't have to deal with that again. Not even lying about that, I feel bad for you. So....uh.... :unsure: there, a smiley. Can't really express it anymore than that, but you know what I mean. And with that, I sign off for another month. I expect that Genny here feels better and I hope I won't have to see this.
  3. Not impressive. 0/10. Tighten dem try-hard pants man.
  4. Man you really did firetruck up my profile. Now I got Green firetruck Face for my avatar.
  5. Alright, people still take me completely serious after 3 years. ON A ROLL TODAY.

    1. Tom


      People who find me saying offensive stuff, even though I put it out there and nobody gives a shit.

    2. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      Is the person in a question a newbie on the site? Because that would make sense. lol

    3. Tom


      Old members actually. Quite the shock really.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. i've practically started some sort of super awesome shenanigan take over
  7. Continue damaging my profile, u gais.

    1. Shana09


      this is perfect

    2. Tom


      i did this 2 times already, namikaze and dudeshot got a makeover too

    3. Shana09


      i know i saw~

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. Well Cricket, details you told me from before hand, it would seem he really doesn't care in the relationship. All he cares about is shooting virtual people and doesn't want to hang out with you. If you want my opinion, I'd say screw the nerd, there's PLENTY of fish in the sea. Or in a nice way, tell him that you're not happy with what he does and wish to end the relationship on a good note, and still try to be friends. If he doesn't and is going to be one of those, "OMG MY EX IS A BITCH, SHE FRIENDZONED ME, TAKING MY FRUSTRATION OUT ON COD", then it seems he isn't even the right person to talk to. Honestly, when I saw the word marriage, I had a little baby barf right there. Seriously, end the relationship on a good note, do not marry this guy. He'll bring you misery. Please Cricket, you got to do it, you're not going to lose anything out of it. Sure, it might hurt him, but who's really hurting? You are, and you can't let it happen. He'd probably just end up not caring you broke up with him and continue playing video games. Break up with him. Don't be unhappy with him, and don't think you're going to hurt him. Find other guys. Trust me, I'd hate to see you being meh on MSN. We have good chats
  9. Huh, somebody took L's Theme Song. Fair enough, then I'll take L's Theme, the second version. http://youtu.be/UlGUYT_zk5o&autoplay=1 And because I'm a bastard, I put it on autoplay for everyone to listen to
  10. Ok so Year 11 is...I can't type like Sora96, this is not my native shit. Ok so 11th Grade blows, just like every other grade/year/whatever. This time, people start call you down and they're like, "HAI WAT UR DOIN AFTER U GRADUATE", And then you don't know, and they're like welp http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-neutral.png Really not much to look foward to. Being a Senior now, and I expect this year to be just as meh as last years.
  11. Japan's finest games has finally made a father beat their child in a video game. Hopefully when this idiot gets out of jail, he'll get a vasectomy before he gets any more children to get him butthurt at losing.a video game to them. No honor is gained in losing, but hitting your child for it, now you're just a cunt.
  12. omg kindle, y u hatin on KH???? thats like the best series 4ever, we devoted ourselves to it with dis site and dem fanclubs. its such a perfect series with no plotholes, no deus ex machinas, no useless side games that somehow matter to the series, and u dont have to buy it on erry system created. man u aint coo doin this.
  13. Alright, looks like my profile is updated. Check it out if you want, or whatever, I don't care.

  14. Welp, reading about 4 pages of....this, seeing the word piss every post looks gibberish now. And for that, I now spread Chlamydia into this thread. Enjoy your Chlyamydia. It's going to burn.
  15. Ok, this thread has been deemed officially uncool. Venny, I suggest you rib. Rib as fast as you can.
  16. http-~~-//youtu.be/m_Nz9B1XFio&autoplay=1 Can't believe none of you guys did the Beatles. Shameful. Happy Birthday to this hoe, and for tonight, we shall feast in the livestream.
  17. Meh, I'll just post in gifs to respond because why the hell not. Can't even fight it. Fine, you win. severe KH13 addiction, Tom^^ KH13 addiction addiction That word made me die a little inside.
  18. That's a sad story. Idk, some people just tend to like whatever post I make, for some odd reason. No. "God damn it, quit firetrucking stalking me". Ugh. Planning not to. Dude, don't ask me. I can leave anytime, but I just merely not care, keep myself signed in, etc. Happy face to angry face. Looks like my 3 year existence isn't easy for some members. Well I guess I have to have my dick in your mouth for another firetrucking year.
  19. Man I can't decide if it's today or tomorrow, last time I checked it was the 19th, now it says the 18th. firetruck it, it's going to be today. Anyways, happy three years for me being on here. Being here the entire time, I somehow ended Digivolving from a Freshman to a Senior that quickly. I need a flash image...uh....shit, I don't know what to pick. Well the mods dry hump Homestuck every other day, I'll do that then. Anyways, I don't even know what to talk about this Personal Thread since I haven't made one since my early times on here, where I had to bitch about everything that breathes. Wait I got an idea. I think everyone wants to know the question of me of them all: Why am I such a douchebag? Why am I an asshole to lots of people, to a point where they hate me or even the ultimate fans of mine would so much as to call me a "f a g". Well you pay attention to this small little scientific diagram of mine, you'll understand a little more about me: Why Tom Is Such a Douchebag: -depression -unable to feel important or necessary in life -suicidal thoughts during really meh days -chest pains (popping up lately) -lack of activity with few friends -oh yeah, only a few friends -not caring for relationships, sex, love, etc. (potential asexual moment) -annoyance from half of this forum and everywhere else -and being the witty sarcastic self I am So now you know that I am not a healthy one, like the rest of you. This is a natural thing for me, and it's not getting any easier. I don't have the worst life there is, but quite frankly, it wasn't hard too hard to figure out things about me. Half of this stuff is literally posted on this forum, and people think that I do that for shits and giggles. Here's an emotional face to describe further feelings: ._. Now you're probably thinking as to post something along the lines of, "Hope you get better". Do you think that's going to work? Do you think you're actually helping? How does your advice of you hoping me (which my life isn't important to you in the first place), to get better going to make me from this into the happiest firetrucker you know? It won't, so that's Step 1 into commenting if you have any thoughts of doing so. Step 2, this is usually a common. WHY DONT YOU GO TO THERAPY? or WHY DONT YOU TAKE ANTI-DEPRESSANTS? Because I suck and you're annoying. Go to Koko's thread or something, and complain there to why I'm a stubborn dick. And Step 3, understand this isn't a thread where I expect you to help, it's more like I'm helping you understand a little more about me. My hands are cold typing this. Uh, shit what else? Oh yeah, the chatbar. This is something that is still big, and people still expect me to be nice on there. Look, if you're a newbie on the forums looking at who's Online, putting on blindfolds, and pin the tail on the computer screen of what person you want to talk to, lower your expectation. If you do not see what I post, and how I post it, before you talk to me, you're going to end up having a bad time. And those who tried to converse with me through the chatbar will understand that I am more of a dick on there, than on the forums, because to simply put it, I didn't want to talk to you, especially if you're a person that is meh to me. And while I'm on the subject of the chat system, I like for certain people here to read this 4. No advertising via chat system. Don't go around posting links to your stories or videos or threads to other people unless they specifically ask they want to see your thread or story or video or whatever.This is a forum rule prohibiting you to advertise on the chat system. And what do I keep getting from this? Advertisement from the chats. Post it on a status or actually make a thread without advertising. Otherwise, cut the shit. That I had to get out of the way, because people tend to do this all the time. What else, what else...uh...I really got nothing. I just wanted to mainly bitch on the annoying people here. It's once in a blue moon that it happens. I don't see how people like posting Personal threads anyway. Projecting my emotions doesn't make me feel better. And well, it's not really helpful. Seriously, how does this work? Just say whatever's on my mind, then everyone comes to my rescue and helps me? Meh, I don't even know. Welp, that's pretty much it then. Happy 3 years of me being on here, wooooooooooot. I expressed all my enthusiasm into that woot. I know that most likely everyone is just going to like this post for whatever reason, and probably have my two stalkers to post here before everyone else does, if they even see this thread, and I'll have to be like, "God damn it, stop firetrucking stalking me". Yeah, same-o same-o. KH sucks =D
  20. In New York for a Yankees Game. Rainy as firetruck. Busy as firetruck. Shitty as firetruck. firetruck.

    1. Protoman


      that sucks, but i hope you like the game??????????????????????

    2. Shana09



      It's because it's a severe thunderstormmmmm

      check the weatherrr

    3. Shana09
  21. In New York for a Yankees Game. Rainy as firetruck. Busy as firetruck. Shitty as firetruck. firetruck.

  22. Guess my school is getting sued then. Or about every single of them. Or wait.... That's false and homosexual.
  23. Random lame surprise next week.

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