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Tom last won the day on January 13 2012

Tom had the most liked content!

About Tom

  • Birthday 06/04/1995

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  • Member Title
    Serious DOOCHEBAG.
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  1. Alright, always enjoying my time off from KH13, and now I'm hearing about so much shit going down. First question, what the firetruck is going on? Second question, what's going on with this whole demodding. Third question, why is Black Ops 2 so meh?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shana09


      DC made a rule in random that made some of the members pissed, like hatok. (see the rule in random)

      Hatok made a topic, SO MANY people agreed, and it became a well-constructed argument.

      I don't think anything was being done, so some made topics revolting in a way.

      Then Kinode made a topic going against DC and saying what he has been doing to everyone.

      It just got deleted.

      Shit just happened.

    3. Tom


      ...Huh. I see. Well this is a strange commotion. Glad I'm not there for the drama.

    4. Tom


      Well this is a massive shitstorm. No reason to stay on. Here's my parting gift!

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