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Everything posted by 358daysbySLEEP

  1. ok wait remember nomura said about the secret movie something about it being the story of the next game well what if that and the last scene with sora sitting alone it was like the next day because in KH3 sora finds ven and he is really weak and dies haha i know thats real out there
  2. yeah it looks like the kingdom key but i dont think thats baby ven its more like him dying
  3. YOU KNOW WHAT I JUST NOTICED?????????????????? i saw eraqus say " you should not exist!!" um that means at some point he talks to a nobody or the beginings of that.
  4. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! terra in darkness!!! vanitas unmasked!!!!! radiant garden in darkness!!!!! sora from kh2!!!!!! aqua at CO!!!!! oh my god!!! thats epic!!
  5. yeah water would be nice like a water rope finishing move that chokes or a big earth boulder crushes the threat.
  6. well maybe the heartless apear at the end of bbs and take over radiant garden ha that would be sooo epic
  7. wait. wheres the pic? nevermind i just saw it yeah it looks like a girls eye but how do you know its vanitas and plus in the new trailer they said vanitas has the same voice as sora whatever nice find
  8. 2 things i want to say theres one world there i don't recongnize and what was happening with donalds nephew's it had all these items
  9. Ok we have all seen the new stuff coming out including Lea and Isa well of course they look the same soooooo why does roxas not look the same well i think ( i know this is out there ) roxas is 100% Ventus like when he said "Erase me" he went into Sora's heart and was realeased at hollow bastion aaaand sora's nobody is really still out there. and just saying i'm not tottaly 100% on this but i kinda thought it was a possibility so Discuss.
  10. the start kinda sounds firmiliar but but rest is new i think
  11. hm you think i would of notcied that because every kh 2 playthrough i've done i go in there to get the ultima recipe
  12. all im saying is epic mickey looks EPIC but who is oswald? but epic mickey looks epic again i say it
  13. well i beat 2nd form in one try just used thesame cards as the first time and your pretty close
  14. Ok i like all this info coming out for bbs i mean Lea! Sia! Vanitas having the same voice as SORA!! The Land Of Departure covered in DARKNESS!!! but im getting of subject i mean look there revealing stuff for stuff they just revealed i mean i love it but i don't won't the whole game to be spoiled. Share your thoughts.
  15. Well xion was a replica created by org XIII to absorb roxas and steal is powers if they found out sora was no use to them she was not a nobody.
  16. The game the glorious game kingdom hearts birth by sleep is almost within our grasp but now it is time to ask the question WHO IS IMPORTING THIS BAD BOY!!!! because i know i'm not unless by chance that there are no region restrictions on the psp because i have one but you know who is getting it on the 9th.
  17. one thing in the vid di anyone see when mickey and ven are in the tornado going around that looks awesome
  18. yeah got so excited when i saw some of the opening cinema
  19. cool but i'm pretty sure they showed it on the home of the site but just a camera standing over it pic not like yours
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