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Everything posted by kairiwilson1

  1. None. They make me run back to Sora so I can get away from them, despite my undying love for Roxas.... But seriously, I hate them.
  2. ^ Is a meanie...?? (gee, thanks. >.< ) < Has a fangirl attack from being slapped by Larxy! 8DDDD V Shall go buy meh a mocha...<3
  3. I've completed the game... I hate her more than I did prior to playing the game! >.< I'm glad no one remembers her!! >.<
  4. Type B!!!! I couldn't wait to get the damn camera I could control. Though I still have issues getting to the shortcut menu without the camera going VOOOSH is circles, but whatever.
  5. I'm sure there's more than 2 lvls of High Jump. You'd probably have to completre challenges and missions in mission mode to get a higher panel of it... idunno...i gave up on those chests.
  6. i wouldn't get it. Dual Wield Roxas is weak in Mission Mode.
  7. I think......those Shadow things were the easiest guys to fight....
  8. Namine. Kairi can go fall off a cliff for all I care. Xion's not even real. She's just a figment of all our imaginations. Olette....seriously, she's overrated. Namine is just secretly badass. Since all the characters in KH come in SOME SORT of contact with Sora, and Namine has the power over Sora's memories and those affiliated with him... seriousl, that's alot of people's memories she could completely erase... She could like, take over the world, yo! >
  9. ^ Is FRIKKEN PISSED OFF!!!! D8< < Procrastinating??? V Wants a mocha....
  10. 1. I is R.....rawr, a monkey person?? Hellz no, I'm WILSON, beeyotch! >83 My "thing"????? O.O Um.... I like making KHMVs......listening to music 24/7.....bitching people out.....breaking out into random dancing to the hallway music.... Oh, and moderating these damn forums. 2. Who am I at school? Well...My general attitude would fall under super-bitch-punk-girl. But I dress like the "I-dun-give-a-damn-about-how-the-hell-I-look-so-piss-off-before-I-bite-chuuuu".... But my friends insist I'm a prostitute in my spare time. Apparently being a mod and video editor doesn't seem to satisfy their pervy minds. 3. LOL. I could do whatever I wanted, and no one would care, simply because I have a rep for being "out-there". XDDD Nothing I do surprises anyone anymore. 4. Luzze If I had a bazooka, that'd be it. But I don't, so I'd have to stick with my ipod. <3 5. LOOOOOOL, no. I'm already popular in a sense that EVERYONE knows me, and they all know to stay away from me. (Apparently I missed the memo that says "insanity is contagious") XDDDDDDD It's so fun being an object of fear. >8DDD
  11. Heartless666~ Leave and we'll find you. <3
  12. lol, don't ask... _________- It was the time of year again where the Organization actually looked forward to. Not just because it was their automatic day off, but because they could dress up and scare the crap out of little children who dared to come up to their castle's front door. Well, at least Larxene liked Halloween for that. A good majority of the Organization members simply treated the day like any other day off and simply did whatever they wanted. Zexion would read a few extra books in the library, Lexeaus put together a few complicated puzzles, Vexen cleaned his lab, Xaldin target practiced with Xigbar as the target, Xigbar did vice versa, Luxord challenged Marluxia to a game of poker, and Saix simply observed the moon. Don't even ask about Xemnas. He's theoretically in his room doing who knows what. If you were paying attention, you'd notice Axel, Demyx, and Roxas have yet to be named. Though it's true they're the only ones who still dress up for Halloween, they are not the only ones being featured in this tale. But you'll find out the rest soon enough. Demyx and Roxas were waiting outside Axel's room. The pyro said he had to work extra hard on his costume to make it convincing, and he wanted to surprise the other two. Hence they were waiting outside. Both Demyx and Roxas had somewhat forgot about Halloween and had quickly put together costumes of fail. Roxas was a
  13. I'm currently obsessed with "Cats Don't Dance" and "All Dogs Go to Heaven"
  14. lol, considering I hate how I look, I enjoy the Vexen Thinking Face look.
  15. lol, my friend took a crack picture of me at the Venture Crew meeting last night. XDDDDDD We call it "The Vexen Thinking Face"
  16. lol, I personally don't care that it was his birthday. "^~^ Yes, I'm an Axel and Reno fan.... but he's just a voice actor... I like the characters he plays, not necessarily the actor. Besides, wouldn't it be kind....annoying to you if you were the voice actor for a popular character, and whenever pepople saw you or heard your voice they instantly thought of that character and not..you? anyways..
  17. if it's Leechgrave, I gave up with that. I found that if you kill the 4 thingies that pop out of the ground, the Leechgrave will go unconcious for like...30 seconds...and then that's when you attack the center.... But I gave up with that technique because it was taking too long and I was loosing my attention span on it, so I just went into a bunch of limit breaks at the center. Let's see... I had plenty of Limit Recharges.. And I was Auto Life Lvl 1 (which actually came in handy! 8D ) and I had a lot of Elixers (I think it was Fire and Lightning that had the most effect magic wise) Hope that helps in some way shape or form. <3
  18. http://kh13.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=2222 I'm sure you can bring the....."deck carmends" up in the other thread...
  19. uh.....there's plenty of sonnets in Romeo and Juliet.
  20. ..... so he's like...what... 47 now??
  21. AXEL'S A PEDOPHILE?!?!!?!?!?!!! DDDDDDDDDXXXXX see, this is why Larxel works better than icky AkuRoku, I like Axel NOT being a pedo.
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