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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. But Jesse the Jokes are so good! ok i got one DChiuch to someone:Baby I
  2. Your a douche...that was a crap post.. u deserve ur title stripped. Btw viki liked ur little speel about her in the other thread http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png
  3. Because none of us actually care about anything related to kingdom Hearts...Eg sora in the next KH game Daniel feel free to delete this post.. it may annoy some of your regular video downloaders.. For example this cool kid right here. FROM DANIELS YOUTUBE: " Thank you so much! I also wanted to listen to the Japanese Kingdom Hearts~ I don't feel like buying the Japanese version just to see the cutscenes. Thank goodness I can read the subtitles. " god i wish i was that kid...
  4. Jesse what about the other joke.. or are u saving that for tomorrow
  5. Lol high demmand yeh got ya http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png
  6. Aaron


    lol sai. dont play WoW, play DotA (Defence of the Ancients) where i really will pwn you with my clan the almighty whos that?
  7. Lol i like the salmon one.. Dont put so many previous jokes on maybe just the day before.?
  8. Aaron


    Jesse u cant ban me lol only DChiuch MARIO
  9. Aaron


    Hey im a super mod - i can do whatever i want
  10. Aaron


    OH move or delete, wow he showed u cal
  11. Jesse stop making crap posts lol
  12. Isnt he just the greatest, i want more DChiuch in my life. :dodgy: MAKE MORE VIDEOS
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