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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. World War Z. I liked it, but the ending was a bit..slow. Left too much to the imagination.
  2. Try to complete the designs using some sort of computer graphical software, as we obviously would need to recreate this for the final product.
  3. Feel free to submit a simple design with just the site logo! You can use any KH13 specific logos, or any logos that you create yourself. Just remember not to include any artwork made by square-enix. But yeah, even a simple design with just the site logo may be the winner! So submit anything ideas you have.
  4. You can submit all artwork here or you can message it to me and I can post it Also, we do have rights to what you submit but this is a great opportunity for amatur design artists and graphic designers who want to get their name out there. We are including a link to a website of your choice (can be your own site) which will hopefully increase traffic for you. TLDR: Its a win for all involved!
  5. Im so happy this thread is still going!
  6. Hey everyone. KH13.com will be running a new competition in the following weeks. However, this one will have a bit of a twist on the previous ones! Some of you may remember my thread on the KH13 merchandise range, to see if anyone is interested. I have been activly looking into this over the last few weeks and have decided to go ahead with a trial run. The point of this competition is for you guys to design a KH13 themed t-shirt! The winner gets the prestige of being the person who designed our official t-shirt, a link on the shop page to a personal website or url of their choice, and they will also get a t-shirt with the design on it delivered to their house paid for by us! Ideally, the design should work on a number of different colored backgrounds (maybe with a bit of tweaking), but if you wish to just make a shirt for a specific color, then that would be fine. Important: Note that these designs cannot contain any Kingdom Hearts artwork, screenshots, character models, etc that are copyright to Disney and Square Enix. All artwork must be "fan-art", a derivative work of the original art. Simply, don't use any official art directly. Also, KH13 has the rights to sell t-shirts using the artwork that you submit. Thanks and have fun EDIT1: You can submit all artwork here or you can message it to me and I can post it. Also feel free to submit anything you have previously created. EDIT2: The tshirts can be INDIVIDUALLY CUSTOMISABLE, ie they can contain a -insert member name here- or something along those lines. EDIT3: The competition will officially close in two weeks. I.e. 20th of September. Time to be announced. FINAL EDIT:Okay, seeing so this topic is pretty much dead ill just choose the winner Congratulations to MasterXemnas! The design was simple yet elegant, easy to follow, yet immediately recognizable. Everyone else should be very proud of their designs aswell. There were many other high quality entries. Feel free to continue posting your designs to this thread. If there is a design that we like, and ultimately wish to use we will honor the same terms as in the competition. Thanks everyone for competing!
  7. Im impressed with the people who are top 10 both days. Try to keep it up!
  8. Remember, the more pumped up and excited you guys get the more likely we are to do more free giveaways and such, so yeah, GET EXCITED AND START POSTING
  9. The winner is: Cuccojenkins Congratulations! We hope everyone had fun participating, and we are glad that the competition has sparked so much discussion on the KH13 forums. Please continue to stay active and get involved in the community, and look forward to more competitions we have planned later on. Hey everyone. KH13.com will be running a competition to give away a free pre-order for the English version of Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX! Entering the competition is simple. In order to enter the competition, you must make posts on our forum. The more you post, the better the chance you have of winning! Here's the exact procedure: 1. At the end of each day, everyone in the top 10 of the the list of the day's top posters will receive 1 entry in the competition. 2. You can receive many entries in the competition! If you're on the top posters list on multiple days, then you will receive multiple entries in the competition. We'll keep a detailed list of entries here. Remember, the more days you appear on the list, the higher your chance of winning! Also, please be aware that the Roleplaying, Forum Games and Random forums are not included, and that we will disqualify anyone who makes "spammy" posts. 3. Around two weeks from now, on Wednesday the 31st of July, 2013 (at 12PM EST time), we'll pick a random winner from the list of entries and contact them. Good luck!
  10. With the Tshirts, we would most likely want to make them as KH13 specific as possible. However that means that including a saying that "members would understand" may prove difficult as not EVERYONE would want/get this. If anyone can think of any specific designs/slogans feel free to post So yeah, can post your mock up designs too if you feel like it.
  11. Everyone please have a look at my thread in the website forum. Really interesting!

    1. Sora96


      And shortly Aaron goes away for a few months.

    2. Hazimie


      I hope that merchandise would be true,lol~ xD

    3. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      Read my story, and we'll call it a prid quo pro: I get something, you get something.

  12. Pretty much what the title says. Would anyone be interested in some KH13 themed merchandise. Including but not limited too, t shirts, wristbands, stickers etc Please post here, and if so tell me what exactly you would want to buy/how much you think is fair for that particular product. The more excitement you guys give us the more likely this is going to happen so please GET EXCITED! you're friendly admin, Aaron
  13. Okay, but you need to pay for the wedding.
  14. That was what the translator said as well, his wording might have been different.IE side games or something. But yeah, ultimately KH1 and 2 are the core games with the others being secondary titles, no matter how you look at it.
  15. You cant just judge the "show" on the exclusive games that they are showcasing. You had to look at everything the xbox and ps4 are offering. Personally I think the PS4 system greatly overshadows the xbox. But yeah, some of the exclusives look cool.
  16. Thanks for the best wishes guys
  17. DChiuch

    1. Show previous comments  91 more
    2. Weiss


      what the firetruck

    3. 4Everbee


      Did it hurt when u fell from heaven?" No but it did hurt when my head hit a tree.

    4. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      Why are you so desparate to end this?

      This will never end

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  18. "Simple and Clean" ... love the puns! Lol, Sanctuary too.
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