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About dbear31

  • Birthday 05/15/1991

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  1. man cant wait for it. the old tron was actually pretty damn good for its time.
  2. so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel lol
  3. texas dolly by the number twelve looks like you off of nuclear sad nuclear album so epic.
  4. the thing in our band is SKURBEN DURBEN. anytime we see each other we say that. Also theres our gps call to find each other where one of us yells *JEA* and the other one says*MOUF*
  5. i found these guys yesterday. For any you guys out there that are fans of the old school NES system check them out. They use sounds bits from a hacked NES system and combine it with guitar and bass and drums it sounds awsome. go check them out. Anamanaguchi website
  6. Xaldin stared at Larxene when she ran out of the room. Xaldin returned Xigbar's greeting. And headed for the kitchen to grab something to drink.
  7. Xaldin noticed that Larxene had returned and walked toward her from the kitchen while he ate his sandwich. "How did settling Demyx go?" Xaldin said with a slight chuckle.
  8. welcome to the site youll have fun here. alot of good people here. enjoy
  9. "He ran into his room crying about his pet." He said while he made himself a sandwich.
  10. Xalldin shook his head in disappointment. And rummaged through the fridge for something to eat.
  11. Xaldin with an annoyed look on his face."And why do you have a pet shadow? Don't you have enough pets already?"
  12. "When did you get a pet fish?"
  13. Xaldin with a confused look on his face. "What the hell is a Sharkbait?"
  14. Xaldin walking from his room past the kitchen notices Demyx and Xigbar, and walks towards them. "What are you two doing up so late."
  15. Character name:Xaldin Powers:Wind Weapon:6 lances Appearance (as best as can be described): Tall, strongly built, with long black dreadlocks, and mutton chops. Personality: An independent guy, who has a very short temper. Approximate age:36
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