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Everything posted by CodedbyDays

  1. Personally, I find all these food bannings ridiculous. The entire point of school is to educate kids to a level where they can safely transition into independent life, right? With independent life comes a whole ton of independent health choices, so they might as well get options. I'm not saying that more cafeterias should sell cocaine in a la carte, but schools don't need to restrict their students' diets to rabbit food.
  2. I'm posting again. Another sign that the apocalypse is coming.

    1. Ivan


      Yoooo Coded, get on msn >:


    1. Kaiso



  4. I'm here. Weird. And ten minutes until my birthday too.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Koko


      CODED REMEMBER THAT PRESENT I MADE YOU LAST YEAR? c: Also you're getting a present from me this year too, it'll just be delayed <3

    3. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy

      Happy birthday!

    4. roxas27


      well i guess im late but still happy birthday :D

  5. Enthusiasm yay. I might have been a tad bit more excited than this. The 37th gif is your reaction to finding out that your OTP became canon, but both of the people died within 30 seconds of it happening.
  6. Klaimen. This is more holy than that stripping nun.
  7. State: Iowa Human Name: Ava Black Birthday: December 28, 1846 Gender: Female I wonder if I'll get accepted.
  8. I guess that's me falling to the floor? The 85 (yes, shoot me) gif in your folder is your reaction to finding out that Darth Vader is Luke's father.
  9. The 17th gif in your folder is your reaction to finding out that the cake is actually the meaning of life.
  10. Coded's returning? Say it ain't so! Well, I've been a bit inactive, as in not having consistently modded for about 4 months. Oops. Well, yes, I'm back and better than ever. Hopefully. I've been avoiding this website like the plague, mostly because of plummeting grades and my depreciating interest in Kingdom Hearts. Still, I'm here to provide clean snarkiness and mends to any threads that need fixing. I don't bite, really. I'm looking forward to meeting anyone who popped up in the time I was gone.
  11. Oh the irony. AndwhydoIevenhavethis The 5th gif in your folder is your reaction to being flipped off by a hobo.
  12. http://kh13.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=15104 Continue discussion there.
  13. I believe I'm heterosexual as well, despite having bi and lesbian friends. However, I've come to realize that any sort of feelings I've had for anyone is admiration at best. But I still assume that I'm straight, because the majority of the world is.
  14. I actually made my own Utau, so...meh. I do actually alter the covers I've done, so I don't see why they are viewed as so horrible. I wouldn't use Vocaloid though. Like you said, it's really not worth the money if you don't have the talent. I'll just stick with VCV voicebanks and let the professionals do what they want. As for individual vocaloids, Miku Hatsune is about the most overrated virtual girl to ever grace the face of the planet.
  15. If I'm thinking of the right person, didn't she do Superscription of Data too? Because I love that as much as Naraku no Hana I originally got into the series from the first opening, but the second and third got me more curious.
  16. 97hUuBg_-Zw This is a bit of a close call...but here you go, JF. 83 Maybe a character's death isn't exactly a good Christmas present, but oh well.
  17. Number 24. Yippee. I'll try and figure out..something.
  18. And I was even told by someone who knows the series better than me that that isn't true. Oops.
  19. The entire thing is here. Is the person who got Hinako into it in the first place But yeah, I agree with her here 100%. It's the best thing I've ever watched as well. As a side note, the manga started in 1994. It just got translated last year, but volumes 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9 are having publishing issues.
  20. Coded's going to be lazy and post only a few sentences kthx. Good: It's a really awesome concept. Needs improvement: The text is a little hard to read over Rika's head. I'm not quite sure what color would work better though. There you go. : D
  21. <--------- /shot Well, err...I was sent here by sota9, and come on. You guys know me better than to let me pass this up. You can pretty much get me to voice anyone, so I'm pretty damn willing to voice Aqua. So...yeah. I have this lovely little microphone, so clarity's not a problem at least. Just check out my YouTube for references to my voice for now. I can post a formal audition for Aqua later, in about a week.
  22. Once upon a time, there lived a nameless monster. The monster was dying to have a name so badly. So the monster decided to set out on a journey to find itself a name. But the world was such a large place. So the monster split into two and went on to two seperate journeys. One went to the East and the other went to the west. The monster that went to the east found a village. There was a blacksmith at the village entrance. "Mr.Blacksmith, please give me your name" said the monster. "I can't give you my name" replied the blacksmith. "If you give me your name I will jump inside you and make you stronger in return." said the monster. "Really? I'll give you my name if you can make me stronger.", the blacksmith told the monster. The monster jumped inside the blacksmith. The monster became Otto the blacksmith. Otto the blacksmith was the strongest man in the village. But one day he said: "Look at me! Look at me!" "The monster inside of me has grown this big!" *Chomp, chomp, munch, munch, gobble, gobble, gulp* The hungry monster ate Otto from the inside out. The monster then went back to become a monster without a name. Even though he jumped inside Hans the shoemaker.... *Chomp, chomp, munch, munch, gobble, gobble, gulp* He went back to being a monster without a name again. Even though he jumped inside Thomas the hunter..... *Chomp, chomp, munch, munch, gobble, gobble, gulp* He still went back to being a monster without a name. The monster then went to a castle to find a wonderful name. Inside the castle, there was a very sick boy. "I'll make you stronger if you give me your name" said the monster In reply, the boy told him "I'll give you my name if you can cure my illness and make me stronger." So the monster jumped inside the boy. The boy became very healthy. The King was delighted. "The prince is well! The prince is well!" said the King. The monster became fond of the boy's name. He also grew fond of his life inside the castle. That's why he endured even when he became hungry. Every day, even when his stomach became very empty, he endured. But then he became so hungry.... "Look at me! Look at me!" said the boy. "The monster inside of me has grown this big!" The boy then ate his father, servants, and everyone. *Chomp, chomp, munch, munch, gobble, gobble, gulp* Because everyone was gone.... The boy left on a journey He walked and walked for days..... One day the boy met the monster that went west "I have a name" said the boy. "It's a wonderful name." And then the monster that went west said... "I don't need a name." "I'm happy even if I don't have a name." "Because we're monsters without names" The boy ate the monster that went west. Even though he now had a name.... There was no one left to call him by his name. Johan. It is a wonderful name. If anyone understands the reference, you'll recieve 10 more cool points from me.
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