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Everything posted by GoofyDonaldSora

  1. Cause they got nothing better to do. <3
  2. Im waiting for the slim to come out. I got 700$ on me I gonna use 300$ to fix my car and the rest for a PS3 slim... <3
  3. How you think he became president? <3
  4. Its not serious she sang it at the CMA's (Country Music Award's) as a joke to rapper's...
  5. Lol. It took me like a trillion trys to beat in on proud mode but I did finally after I spam the genie summon. <3
  6. Taylor Swift can rap!!! <3 sRUd8lhy5Hg&hl lolol
  7. For some reason I know the lyrics and Idk why... <3
  8. 10 was the best I loved Yuna and lulu 7 was okay why people say its the best Its kinda outdated and really whatever, 8 was fun I loved the bladegun ot swordgun whatever, and 9 was kinda boreing to me. Now FF1 was the best hahaha... <3
  9. They are already doing a cross over. <3 http://www.fandango.com/theavengers_v451151/summary
  10. "Obama care" is stupid! If your over 50 your screwed. <3
  11. Mine would be Fire and flames by Dragon Force
  12. Thats nice!! I want El Camino but im happy with what I got! <3
  13. Yeah im already in love with it my Nonno gave me 200$ dollers all I need now is 600$ more and I can fix it up pretty good to get everything fix and make it perfect.
  14. Of course the French and Germany is... Not any other country.
  15. KH3 won't be on the Wii we gone over that before... KH3 may be on the 360 and its gonna be on the PS3 no questions asked. <3
  16. my Nonna and my Nonno said if I fix up this car I can have it so im gonna save up alot of money and fix it up cause I want my first american car and its a old 1970 Nova I think thats what my Nonno said somewhere between 60-70 but I can't wait to fix it and drive it! <3
  17. Lol Yeah, really only your friends can understand "inside" jokes. <3
  18. Grand Theft Auto: San Antonio Instend of San Andreas. Indeedly I said that to my friend over the phone once. Whatever lol My friend said it with the cuteist voice. Gangsta land a teacher said that and it was a inside joke between me and my other friend.
  19. Lol, "A little bit of Goofy everyone" lol!! <3
  20. Man people are just dying all over nowadays its kinda crazy. <3
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