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Everything posted by GoofyDonaldSora

  1. Pshh, Dr pepper is Mountain Dews enemy!
  2. Really? Red bull, Monster, Jolt cola and of course Mountain Dew!!! <3!
  3. D: -EMO tear- coffee is icky for the soul water is the new soda!!
  4. OMG! I know water is like the most bestest thing ever created in the history of history lets spread our love for water! YAY WATER!!!!!1111!!!!oneone!!!!eleven111two1!!!!
  5. Spank you all very much to the welcoming comments!
  6. Have much you gonna sell it for I'll pay 900 billion!!! Hehehe.
  7. I don't think they are evil. They are just trying to become someone besides a shadow of someone else.[/u]
  8. I guess Im new here. Haha. Don't mind the username, I couldn't think of anyother name so I just put something on the top of my head! Anyways, hiya.
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