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Everything posted by Friend

  1. LOOK OUT [hides under the table] shess comeing
  2. [enters castle oblivioon] peanut butter were are you
  3. greek salad amd ranch dressing is the best
  4. peanut butter come back here peanut butter PEANUT BUTTER [chases xion]
  5. mmmmmm peanut butter [starts to like the peanut butter]
  6. HHAHAHAHA funny [revies kairi] here have the cookies back i dont like them
  7. HI there welcome to KH13 piz enjoy your stay here
  8. [steals cookies and runs thorught a portol] YOULE NAVER FIND ME [insert evil lighuh] sidenote: i still cant spell
  9. ooch that herts [GIVES XION THE EWVIL GLARE ] GRRRRRR and also i dont want a hug from him im a guy remeber???
  10. yay sort of is it like when you trick someone to watch that video
  11. [steals demy sitar] hehehehehehehe
  12. dont cry heres a cookie [hands a cookie to kairi loves sushi] on a side note MAKE YOUR NAMES SAMLLER IT GETS ANYOING WHEN YOU GOT TYPE ALOT
  13. what do you mean like you got use to watch that movie your proble got use all i hate the SONG
  14. if his the next singer il kill myself i vote for Anders Frid
  15. i want cookies too [ trys to steal some cokkies]
  16. IF LIKE GARAGE SALES DONT COME TO ,MICHGAN all the garage sales here SUCK
  17. yay in a way but thats not im loking for TODAY IS GARAGE SALE DAY
  18. hi everone GUESS WHAT IS TODAY
  19. hmmmm they got to fix this problem soon cuz i think the people is getting tired i listing to the same thing over and over and so forth
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