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Everything posted by Friend

  1. Les Paul the inventer of the solid-body electric guitar has passed away today at te age of 94 at White Plains Hospital in White Plains, NY case of death is said to be pneumonia.. he has made many recording innovations include overdubbing, delay effects such as "sound on sound" and tape delay, phasing effects, and multitrack recording. he will be missed
  2. nonononon i dident mean it that way i.......[thinks about] ummmm
  3. [helps kairi out on diging a hole to sweden] SWEDEN OR BUST
  4. Nona finnly sombody knows what band im tolking about
  5. if i was you i wold wait a litel bit after the game has been released then i whold buy it off of EBAY or craigslist its usley cheeper this way at lest it is for me
  6. what????? im confussed now how about wee move on
  7. guess you dident get it and its a name of a song you can guess what band sings it DAIL-595 ESCAPE
  8. DIAL 595-ESCAPE and boom your there worked for me
  9. i dont think axel is goin to be in it remeber his DEAD DEAD ummm how ever you say DEAD in japanes DEAD
  10. if people used their lazy butts, the games for ps2 could have the same graphics as in the first and last cutscenes of the games i dont think the PS2 whold be able to handle that
  11. lol OOOOOooooo thats soom much funn oo sarry [revives kairi]
  12. lol funny and thats why your the best heres a gold star [throws a gold star at kairi] and because im haveing a good day il throw in something extra [throws a carjack at kairi]
  13. like when i do [steals kairi's cookies]
  14. awsome naver herd any thing like it
  15. only because you give out cookies
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