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Everything posted by Friend

  1. how about this you have your friend [not me] order it and have it shipped to your friend's house and you pick from your friends house and you pay your other friend by useing a money order
  2. well i cant help you besides go to your friends house use there PC and have the "ITEM" delevred to there house and when you bring it home tell your mom and dad that you got it from a yard sale
  3. dose your libary have a PC
  4. do you have a libary near by???
  5. buy DN stuff off of EBAY then
  6. wow kool ummm anther qusten WHEN DOSE IT COME ON TV i have 500 channles and i have naver seen it on Tv
  7. im got a noob qusten WHAT IS DEATH NOTE i heard of it but naver watched it
  8. i got 2 PS2, 4 PSONEs, a N64, 3 PC, 3 LAPTOPS, and that it i have to many games to list
  9. im bored some im going to do this go into your room and find something that you uselly dont find in a bed room mine item is a 12" vinyl of Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain
  10. awsome when well it be out????
  11. that will be funny if that happens if it dose happpens then im going to eat you
  12. yup state law stops schools from starting before laber day
  13. [starts to eat sauce] mmmm tastes good
  14. all right ummm can i have some of that sauce
  15. hmm ok and thanks for crecting me wo i cant spell
  16. thats even worse ooo and its called janeiro pepper sauce i think
  17. ooch that sucks the sauce must of been acidity just drink water that all i can say
  18. http://www.youtube.com/user/29det1
  19. how about like all the major people form KH is dumped onto are worlds and they have to survive for 30 days or die something like that
  20. i dont know i think it just happpens? people stop calling you a noob?? i dont know
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