Okay, so like most of you on here, I got sick of hearing about it the second day after all the news stands and stations and tv were having orgasms with the story he was giving them.
I think it's ridiculous because first of all, he's a horrible person to leave his kids like that and be drunk around him all the time and to beat his wife.
His alcoholism and drug addiction wasn't really a surprise for me because during the running of 'Two and a Half Men' it became very clear to me that he wasn't acting at all. He was just being Charlie Sheen.
And all of you who think he's this amazing person because he gets high off his a$$ all the time and drunk and has sex with his 'goddesses' all the time, "Wow." is all I can say without wasting my time. I just can't believe that there are people out there who, in supporting Charlie Sheen, are essentially supporting child neglect, domestic violence, drug abuse, and alcohol addiction. -thumbs up-