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Zakuro Nakishai

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Everything posted by Zakuro Nakishai

  1. I guess that makes sense. Maybe time is different in each world that they go to. So in Sora's world, not much time has passed on since the events of KHII.
  2. So in other words, Roxas is Ven. And at the same time, he isn't. Since Ven lives inside Sora, it would only be natural. It helped. Another thing crossed off my list. I'm surprised Sora doesn't remember this. It's kind of important. Lol.
  3. It hasn't been a year since KHII. That was a bit after KHII. I love how Aqua doesn't change one bit after 10 years. And I wonder what Ansem is doing there, anyways. And what was the "experiment" that he was talking about that is inside Sora? These secret endings just keep screwing with our heads.
  4. It's in the secret ending topic. I just posted them up.
  5. It was the same letter from KHII. But their being jerks. And not explaining what the stupid letter says. -____-
  6. It looks like it's already been subbed. Here's the links: Part 1: Part 2:
  7. Thanks. I'll be sure to ask if I have any. Talking to others about KH is fun. I like this place. ^-^
  8. I just joined yesterday. Um. Just call me Akani. I don't wanna reveal too much for obvious reasons. BEFRIEND MEH. I'm a noob, but not when it comes to Kingdom Hearts. I've been playing it since it came out. So, I know pretty much everything about it (not trying to brag, but it's true). It's my favorite game series. Yes. I even think it's better then Final Fantasy. Even if some of the characters are in it. So, I do like anime and manga. I'm going to college for Animation. So, yea. Games and anime is a big influence on me. And I like drawing and stuff. Dunno what else to say. Got questions?
  9. i think i herd its Vens darkness It is his extracted darkness.
  10. No no, he looks like Xehanort and then he turns into kh 2 riku you mean future Riku. if thsi si the secrect ending,where we see the guy in the clock, siting with aqua,then its eraqus/DiZ. if this is on the beach with Terra, when he looks at riku, its Future Riku! Dude, that's not future Riku. KH2 Riku looks a bit taller then him. And there's a major appearance change. Riku's skin and hair color are different from the mystery man.
  11. I think thats a highly possible suggestion The other one that I found made sense, too. Post #11. =] Did Nomura ever say whether or not he was going to explain the connection between Sora and Ventus?
  12. Well, I'll be damned. So it was true. At least we got that one cleared out. Finally.
  13. I'm not crazy about them, so their okay. Nothing beats Xion's theme, though. I still think it's beautiful to this day. =]
  14. this probably wont help, but its a continuation of the scene... kinda o-o Wow. Half naked Ven? Who's next? Riku? XDDD I wish I could read Japanese. I hope it gets subbed soon. But why is Ven pointing to the sky with his keyblade? What could he be unlocking? good thing I know some things they are saying...this si were having friends and famiely form japan come in handy. um, form what I can get, Ven is saying, something About his heart, feeling imcomplete. those are parts that I Can understand. I Can't translate it or all of it. but I know wha the's saying in some parts. and who knows,lots of ladies would love to see that for riku. lol Yea, I thought it was something about his heart. I kinda guessed from his body language. And that's where it goes back to that other thing that I found in KH Insider. Interesting...
  15. I've already watched that. And it isn't gonna convince me that he's Riku's future. We still need more proof.
  16. It's a possibility. =] This is something that I found out on KH Insider. I'm not really sure if this is true, so check it out of you want.
  17. I'm gonna kill Nomura if that does end up being Riku. I like Riku's current flowy hair. I don't want him to have a mullet. It's just his appearance that's telling me there's something wrong. I can see Riku in that outfit, but not with the mullet and tan skin. Riku has been pretty pale throughout the games. Damn it, this guy needs to be revealed NOW. I won't believe it until he shows up in the friggin' game saying "Hey, I'm Riku." TT___TT
  18. this probably wont help, but its a continuation of the scene... kinda o-o Wow. Half naked Ven? Who's next? Riku? XDDD I wish I could read Japanese. I hope it gets subbed soon. But why is Ven pointing to the sky with his keyblade? What could he be unlocking?
  19. To tell you the truth, I hope it isn't. Hahaha. But we'll find out soon enough whether that guy is Riku or not. I just have a gut feeling that he isn't for some reason.
  20. well people are getting the game today arnt they? maybe info will be here soon There are people in Japan who got it before the actual release date. So, There should be some kind of info out soon.
  21. Yea, but I'm getting impatient with this. We've been waiting so long for this. TT____TT
  22. yeah but terra saw that guy then he saw kh 2 riku Yea. I think it was because of Riku's connection with his heartless. Maybe that's why. Damn. I wanna know who that guy really is, though. Instead of making guesses. TT____TT
  23. So what's up with the whole MX and Ven at Destiny Islands thing? I don't understand what's going on.
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