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Everything posted by Godot

  1. "Are you Google? Because you've got everything I'm searching for." my friend used this on me today omg
  2. so the same guy who's starting all kinds of drama is now saying that girls should take it as a compliment when guys try to grope them wOW

    1. Wolfgang


      .__. Why guys. Why..

    2. Koko



    3. Godot


      trust me, i wanted to

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  3. implying guys with girly voices are bad
  4. my friend is being obnoxious and starting drama for no reason ugh ugh ugh

    1. FireRubies1


      Kick them in the va-- well you know. But don't lose your shoe.

    2. Koko


      LICK HIM

    3. Godot


      will do!

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  5. welp guess i'm pulling another all-nighter to finish this project :<

  6. how does that make wanting him to die okay if you don't like his voice, don't listen to him. this isn't exactly a hard concept to understand.
  7. http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/argentina-gender-rights-law-world-standard-16322875#.T6xUFutAZYA Argentina just passed a law allowing anyone to change their gender identity without having to undergo all of the usual procedures (mental examinations, getting court approval, etc.) this is a huge step forward for human rights, and it's really just amazing that something like this exists. keep it up, Argentina.
  8. well I'm a Roman Catholic by practice (as in, I go to a Roman Catholic church every Sunday, believe in things such as the consecration of the bread and wine, etc. etc.), but some of my views and feelings about God and things aren't really shared by most other Catholics. i think right now I'm leaning more towards just being Catholic (as opposed to a Roman Catholic--there's a difference) or maybe just a vanilla Christian. /is confusing
  9. i really just want a salad right now :<

  10. so today this really stupid guy at my lunch table was talking about how he wanted to make this movie where internet memes escape into the real world and he had to stop them or something, and i was just sitting there like "no what are you doing stop please why would you do that"

  11. i need someone to RP black butler with me

    1. P50L
    2. Koko


      so do i.

      i ship mayhem and flo

    3. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      like i said

      my brain is the weirdest firetrucking thing ever

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  12. protip: eating plain greek yogurt on its own is not a great idea

    1. Koko


      i usually add fruits or granola to my plain greek yogurt. it tastes really bitter otherwise

    2. Godot


      that's what i usually do too, but today i was stupid and tried eating it plain. i ended up adding cornflakes instead but it still turned out kind of odd.

    3. TheApprenticeofKingMickey
  13. i've been thinking about doing something like that. psychologist is a bit harder; the idea just really freaks me out, but i do want to try at least, because i know it will make me feel better. i'm always just really paranoid about those types of things; i spent a good portion of my life being told that not being straight is wrong and that you'll go to hell and everyone will hate you. one of my irl friends has been trying to get me to ask her and i know she's definitely not homophobic at all, but i'm not 100% of her orientation so i'm still a bit wary. thank you~ reading all that actually really helped aha c:
  14. I really like Natsume Ono's art style; it's simplistic and almost abstract, but it's just so nice djfkjfld I also like Hieronymous Bosch and a lot of the things he's drawn. i actually wrote a report on him for my art class last semester and it was really interesting to research. i'm willing to bet that's the only thing you've ever seen by him.
  15. try looking at sites like posemaniacs and just sketch out a couple figures every day. you'll get a grasp on anatomy and bodies work. study proportions and use those to scale different parts of your drawings. also, definitely don't use those "how to draw manga" books (or do what my ex-boyfriend does and copy screenshots from anime). 98% of the time they're really bad and will totally screw you over when you want to try and do something realistic.
  16. right now the only way to see the entire second season dubbed is to buy the box set. .3. i really liked the dub for season 2 and season 2 in general. i felt like it was more organized and had a clearer storyline than season 1. imo Alois was a much better character than Ciel; he was more realistic and i really just connected with him more. Ciel was portrayed a bit off in the anime anyways, but that's a whole different story. my favorite's Grell though, she's such a cutie. *w*
  17. thank you, it really means a lot. (: most of my close friends know and one of them is gay so he knows what's going on, but at the same time i'm just afraid they're going to think i'm making stuff up for attention or that i'm being too whiny. it's how i lost my last group of friends and i'm just so paranoid it's going to happen again. sometimes i really just don't feel like i have any control over them at all. but thank you~ i wish it was just one of those days, but it's been going on for a while. even on good days i just feel awful all the time. it did help somewhat actually~ thank you i have, but all of them recommend either meds or therapy, neither of which i have access too. see above. i want to try to, but at the same time the idea just really frightens me. i've never been comfortable talking about things like this around someone i don't know well, even though i know it could help. that's what i want to do, but i just can't keep them down for very long. i really just feel like i have no control over my body or my emotions. thank you~
  18. copy-pasta'd from my tumblr so grammar and spelling aren't immaculate
  19. i really want short hair again :x

    1. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      I'd like to see you with a bob.

    2. Godot


      that's what i've been planning to get! i'm going to try and set up an appointment by June. .w.

    3. TheApprenticeofKingMickey
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  20. every time I see this commercial, I end up laughing for an hour. it's so horrible omg.
  21. Black Butler officially has the worst fandom, everyone else go home

    1. Godot


      oh god maybe you're right

    2. Protoman


      even the guy who voiced the onceler told them that they needed psychiatric help.


      they didnt listen.

    3. Godot


      ugh, i saw that. you would have thought they would have taken the hint by now.

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  22. Kill Me Baby is such a cute anime aaaa

  23. my friend did my hair today and I thought it looked purdy. c: my face is derptastic though :V edit: my eyes omg i look so stoned how did that even happen
  24. can't decide which animu to start watching today ;~;

    1. Godot


      don't tempt me aaaaa ;A;

    2. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      all the blushing sacha fall prey to the blushing and cute reactions 8DDDDDD

    3. Godot


      gahhhh <3 sadakoo

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