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Posts posted by Demyx

  1. All right... I took this originally with my characters... now I took this with myself. The results?


    Half and Half?


    Xemnas thinks that you're not ready yet. He wonders why he let you join in the first place. *no comment*

    Xigbar: "What a babe..." He wants to impress you. *blush* I... I don't know... *backs away slowly*

    Xaldin thinks that you're only good at fighting, nothing else. Well, if that, then all right. ^^

    Vexen finds you quite entertaining. "I don't mind. If she's in my lab, it might be better." *raises brow* What do you mean by "entertaining"

    Lexaeus: "A worthy fighter." Ah... *feels loved*

    Zexion: "Well I-...She's alright." He seems to have an interest in you. *blush* Ah-huh... I shee... *writes in notebook* all right...

    Saix doesn't like you. He thinks Xemnas got too soft when letting you join. Oh... I don't think he was soft at all...

    Axel thinks you're okay. Oh, well... if Axel thinks so, then... *shrugs* IDK.

    Demyx: "So-so, I guess." Demyx thinks you're okay too. Ah, well... That's better than not liking me at all, I guess... >.> You're just jealous because I'm a lot like you, and yet I have a heart. *shot* *shot again* *shot thrice* *Axel, Xigbar and Luxord hold the guns. XDD*

    Luxord: "A card game, perhaps. That will prove to me if you are worthy." He's interested in your skill. I'm not very good at card games. Play me at like... instruments or anything... I'll even take musical chairs. XDD

    Marluxia thinks you'll do well as a member. *nods* duly noted...

    Larxene doesn't like you. She thinks you're weak. Wow, I feel a strong similarity in that I don't like you too. 8D *Except for Kairi's Larxene... She's a lot better. *

    Roxas has no comment about you although he feels this tension cuz you're a new member. T...Tension? *tilts head*

    Namine likes you cuz you keep her company. Well... We do have a connection... considering you like art, and so do I... >.>

    Some of the Organization have accepted you. Don't let your hopes down! You still have a chance.


    *Smiles greatly*

  2. >.< I am not happy with the place I live. I live in a small town in Oregon, where it used to be like solely logging... and the such. My own brother... he's like in his 40's, so he isn't like cute or anything... he's like some racist pig or something *anger anger anger* *seethe seethe seethe* I just had an argument... Last night... >.< Anyway... I wish I was in australia, after reading these posts... With what was said about not having stupid people. XDD Oh... But really... I wouldn't mind living like... Japan... Germany... England... or somewhere with a lot of history, and class... Really, although it used to be a logging town, it's rather a nice greenish place... if you look past the main road. I mean... once you get past that, go near the river or something, it's enjoyable... I just wish I didn't have to put up with idiots... Like my brother. xD

  3. I am feeling a little alone at the moment... That could be because no one is online, for the most part... I am in an area where there aren't a lot of people right now... and I have to do a paper for class... All those combined... >.< I want something to take my mind off the fact that I don't know how to do a position paper. xD I mean... They never quite prepared me for something like that in school... And now I have to write one... and the stuff I looked up doesn't help, because one thing says something different from another. Anyway... It would help if I got a hug... xD ~ta.

  4. I joined an art site... And it seems as though the people there like the watercolor I made... ^^ they even gave me good advice, but not much, since it seemed to have been good enough for them. however, a thing i made using my art program on my computer got more critique than the other picture. That's good too, since now I know how to improve!


    In other news, I had to clean house yesterday. This was a big job. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif I sneezed so many times from the chemicals... Which was mainly bleach. xD I even got this idea... for like... uh... organization bleach or something where the organization members were in the espada, or something... but I forgot exactly what it was... it sounded pretty good too. Oh well.


    Today my mom got me an art pad. I am so happy. I could bounce off the walls from happiness. ^^ Oh, now if only I had a watercolor pad, then I could improve in that.


    I also got a few movies two/three days ago. My mom grabbed twilight. The art pad makes up for grabbing twilight, but I think she still expects me to watch it with her... Someone needs to have a talk with whoever wrote it that vampires do not sparkle. You can have angels sparkle, you can have unicorns sparkle, but angels and unicorns are beings of the light. Werewolves and Vampires are beings of the dark. to have them sparkle would be like having a butterfly underwater. it makes no sense. D: Although it made sense in spongebob... that was because it was spongebob, where anything can happen. If the author wanted the vampires to be pretty... she should have made them with unique and attractive eyes, and a women's face... in other words bishounen. XDD you got that, and all the women'll flock to them... heck, some guys'll flock to them... it makes more sense that way. And, I'd probably watch it with little complaint then.


    I got icecream... xD


    what IS your favorite icecream?

  5. Who'd have thought... Well, I already mentioned that I take Biology... The first day of Biology, my instructor had us tell a little about each other (through surveying us in partners) and the person next to me, she was all right I guess... I felt like she wasn't giving me much information, but I felt I was giving a bit too much... Ah, but anyway, the question was "what was my favorite movie" I had to think on that one, but I knew the answer... I had to compare my interest for the other movies that are high on my list, but... None can compare... Labyrinth is by far the best movie I have seen, all the rest I like seem to be tied. Anyway, My instructor seems to be familiar with it... when I had mentioned it, he was like "That was the one with David Bowie in it, right?" xD


    Today, we were talking about Alelles... or however you spell that... and how people can be born with two different eye colors... Bring to mind of a certain hot glam rockstar, ne? xD Except for one thing... he wasn't born that way, so it shouldn't appear in his genes. But my Instructor brought him up. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif Makes me think he is more interested in this guy than I thought!... >.> Wait, I said that wrong... According to my assumed religion... (Allthough I really don't have one) He's more interested in my God than I thought. *shot* anyway, I had to correct him almost as instantly as I had realized he said something I had just thought about, and about someone I am almost obsessed with... David Bowie's eyes are two different colors NOW, but they used to be blue... It was in a fight that they changed eye color... *nods* I've read that many other places, so it must be true... anyone who knows otherwise, corrext me if you must, but till then, I shall believe it to be true... I shall beleive it 98%... that's because I am easily confused, and so I don't trust my own data so much. xD


    Ah, Also, yesterday I heard one song on the way to school... I thought the singer sounded SO much Like David Bowie... I mean, the way his voice lifted HERE, and the way it fell there... It sounded SO much like him, I'm sure I might have bet a million dollars on it... I mean, it even sounded like his style, but I couldn't figure out why they were saying "Mud and mud..." It's not that. XDD It's Modern Love. XDD I woulda won a million dollars guys!! And that's how I figured out, I may just be more obsessed with Bowie than Kingdom Hearts, and considering who I am... >.> And what sites I go to... And what's in my favorites on DA... Uh, I'd have to say, that's nearly frightening. Just know I refuse to stalk. That's childrens games anyway. XDD


    Anyway, I also realized... I'm a better artist than I let people know, but I have an issue with rushing myself... anyone have the same problem?

  6. Soxas: *nods* You can call me cupcake if you'd like... XDD I'd still respond... Wait, that if I hear you say it, never mind. xD Yeah, go ahead and call me Dem. ^^ It's Cool... >.> Like the "Dem-miser" XDD


    Luzzekatt: yup! Exactly her... Oh, BTW... You know me from DA, I'm Seriously-serino777 there... Or rather, I know you, we've talked... I looked through my stuff, but I knew I knew you, I just wasn't sure if you knew you knew me, or that I knew you... ... ...Did you understand any of that? I am easily confused... Oh... OH!!! Got something random... >.> Posting in random though... xD

  7. To Chronic Tumor: I'm demyx only on roleplayhearts.proboards.com, and no where else. Er, Yesh... No where else... xD I had to double check, to make sure I don't have another site somewhere, but, no... just that I am Demyx. ^^

    To Amisc: Anyway, nice to meet you also Amic...


    To luzzekatt: and what other dem-dem is there? XDD *glomps back* I'm a friend of Kairi's. ^^

  8. I took a biology test today! Go me! I hardly studied, because it was a surprise... I had been absent for about a week (had friday off, due to the red white and blue) and so I didn't realize there was a test. Ah, I'm surprised I've retained so much information from high school. xD I even figured out a way to memorize Neutrons and Protons... Electrons are a doozy though... Neutrons are neutral, Protons are Positive... just gotta remember that Electrons are neither neutral or positive, so they are negative. >.> I think I'll have a problem remembering they are a part of the same group... maybe if I turn them into something I can remember. XDD Anyway, I actually think I might like science... I mean, I never have, although it's always been fairly understandable. XDD It makes no sense to me!! I wonder... how do you feel about science...

  9. Ah, well... As we all should know, Kairiwilson's birthday just went past like over a week ago... >.> I'm so bad. I couldn't make my deadline... it wasn't really a deadline or anything, but she told me that I should have it up before the saturday she leaves... *sighs* I couldn't though. Anyway, I have finally got it up. ^^




    So, a happy belated birthday to kairi. ^^; And a merry unbirthday to the rest of ya (except for those whos birthdays actually are today. You should get the regular happy birthday... xD I've confused myself.)






    This is another one of my art things, but this is not KH related... >.>

  10. Ah, thanks for the virtual sandwiches. ^^ Actually... O.o I don't think I have had a loud stomach before... I mean, I've had loads of other things involving the stomach, but not one where other people could hear... >.> Or if they could, they'd have to have good hearing. *glomps everyone* ^^ Lucky for today, I actually have money. So I can has cheezburger. xD And, Erica, I also love your sig. ^^

  11. I know it is pretty pointless to complain about being hungry online, but... >.> I'm hungry... I have summer classes for college... Yush, dem dem goes to college... XDD And there is no one to feed me here, nor do I have anything to buy food with. Ah, I've been offered food, but it's been from people I talk with exclusively online... On other news, I am bored, as I cannot go home for another few hours, and I have no more classes today... <3 Ah, I don't know what to do... Oh, look... my bag... I think I could do something in there... but... >.< *shakes head* no... XDD

  12. GLACEON JUHAHAHA, i will atatck with my all mighty igglybufff, heres the real querstion whats better digimon or pokemon*digimon kirk thorton does the wolf guy, he play saix*


    I say digimon, but that is because they actually talk... >.> But... I only ever got as far as the third season... the fourth I did not like. XDDD

  13. Hey! I'm Demyx, and I am new to this site. I enjoy listening to rock, and I like to play Kingdom Hearts. I'm 19 years old... and I like reading, I'm into art and I like to watch different you-tube vids. Anyway... Flufflefluff shall rock this world!!!! *headbangs*
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