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Posts posted by Demyx

  1. Aw, you guys know I agree with you. ^^ Right? Anywaay.... I have known my share of stupid people in and out of my family. xD I could seriously rant about that, but I'm not. xD Anyway... >.> I'm glad that those people in my family aren't KH fans. xD

  2. no demy is! xD /shot with


    *points to me* *points to game**points back to me* Huh? uzza-bu-wha? XDD


    IDK... Misreading can be the worst... XDD I've thought something said something else a whole lot different before... XDD And in fact... I've missed words... skipped lines... just to make what I thought true. XDD

  3. >.> Are you all ready?

    So... yesterday... I wrote something... that made me do something... and the phrase that made me do it was... "I blame Kairi" and it had nothing to do with the result... it was about a video about beans that she had made... and axel... and such stuff... well... I have to warn you... you won't be pleased with what I have to say... but... Everytime I look back to that post... the same thing happens... so...



    D: I LOST THE GAME!!! *cries*

  4. OMG! Veggies are not evil! >.> Of course, I like eating salads, pickles, sauerkraut, spinich, beans (Whoo-whoo-whooo *Shot*), I dun like tomatoes (although that's technically a fruit)... Potatoes I love... xD And I like almost any other kind of vegetable... The same goes for fruit... just know that I do not like melons, besides watermelon, and even then... and I do not like Apricots... I like peaches, and apricots are NOT peaches. xD Oh... But I must say, although I like Pickles, I do not like cucumbers, and I do not like celery. >.> I love beans. *shot* XDD Kairi!!! I blame you. xD

  5. It's been years since I've seen an actual Episode... That is... I have seen a youtube thing Deathbob notepants... but that was quite a few months ago... Can you believe that even with seeing that, I haven't seen Deathnote? D: Anyway... As I was saying, it's been a few years, but I remember that it was funny... it was kinda stupid, but I liked it because it seemed that hardly anything could dampen Spongebob's spirit's although he is a sponge, and he does live underwater... And he's just so innocent! That's why I want the video game now. xD

  6. Hmm... Weird dreams... What is the definition for weird dreams... Is it what is weird to a person, or weird to what society usually dreams... I hardly ever have weird dreams by the first definition, but by the second one, I have weird dreams nearly all the time. Some are good, some are not... But I hardly ever want to wake up from either kind. They're interesting... and they tell a story... it's almost like I'm another person in them, but IDK... Once I was even a boy... O.o That was very interesting. Anyway... >.>

  7. *laughs* I swear I'm not obsessed with KH!! (That's Xemmy's department! *shot*) xD But Really, Yeah... Kinda... I'm making my own story totally not KH related, but a few years ago, I wanted to do this with them... Usually, if I want to do something, I end up doing it. xD Aanyway... I've been using the first two for RolePlay... Since they're my favorites. xD

  8. >.< Ooooh... I hate how hot it's been... I'm hoping that it's not so hot tomorrow, but the good thing is that now the heat wave seems to have went by or something... D: It's been really miserable... I mean... yesterday the temperature actually got to be like 110 degrees!! I only have fans... >.> So I was pretty much melting... I think it's about 70 or so... because I'm comfortable now. xD

  9. >.> I've done something like this YEARS ago... xD

    Jennie = Jinxeen

    Raine = Xenari

    Lyria = Xilary

    Serino = Rexinos


    All right... I may have changed the names of two but... XDD I had changed the name of Lyria herself, and as for Serino... well... I don't have the piece of paper I wrote it on to begin with... XDD Ah, fun... I really like Raine's nobody's name... But then, I think she'd be the most likely to become a nobody to begin with. >.> Yuh...

  10. *laughs* Because... ^^ There can only be one you... right? xD But also because you're awesome! XDD Man... I really am biased when it comes to my friends. xD Yeah, that's why... you're fantastic because you're my friend... xD

  11. *huggles Kairiwilson* ^^ Are you talking about me?


    Ima call you Rena, if you don't mind. ^^ I think Axel's nice too... >> Sometimes... Mostly, I'm just a big fan of Demyx... Yuh, I'm SOOO into muhself right now. *shot* Anyway... *glomps Rena* ^^ Welcome. ^^

  12. OMG... You can have anything edible any time of the day... it's like that song. "It's 5 o clock somewhere" only for food. I usually either have ice cream for breakfast, or I go hungry till I can get lunch *doing second part right now* and then I have a nice half-healthy lunch. And dinner is awesome when I get a meat stick before... unfortunately the store I used to get my big daddies from stopped selling them... Darn them... If you don't already know, big daddies are these red pickled sausage things... I like them a lot. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif >.< Wait, wait wait... off track now...


    I want cake too!!! Wait... What flavor is it?

  13. Welcome. ^^ *randomly glomps Kairi, Luzze, and everyone else in thread including new people* I think the people here are fantastic... Especially Kaaaaiiiri... >.> That is... Kairiwilson... xD Oh... I guess Kairisora... but... >.> >.< I think I may be biased. *dies*

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