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Posts posted by Demyx

  1. xD Oh, I give my family headaches from "Kingdom Hearts this" and "Kingdom Hearts that" >.> I mean, there's just a lot I got out of the game, that it's kinda hard not to give them headaches. My thing is that whenever I see something like "Kingdom of Heaven" or "Kingdom Hospital" I tend to jump at the DVD, like "OMFG! Kingdom... kingdom Come?" xD

  2. Demyx stopped cold in his tracks. "...made quick work of him..." He... he... he... "He murdered Sharkbait?" He whispered, crying. "I hate you, Xigbar!!!" He wailed as he ran further down the hall. He reached his room and curled up on his bed, crying. Guppy-breath was doing circles in his tank, showing his oh-so-empty belly. Demyx ignored his fishy pet.

  3. Demyx was a little taken back from the two superior members. "No! I mean... Yes!! Um..." He sighed a little. "Sharkbait's my pet Shadow." He smiled worriedly. "I found him..." Demyx paused a little. I can't tell Xigbar that Sharkbait was eating his underwear last I saw him... he'll get pissed at me. "I mean, I saw him last I went on a walk with him." He said sheepishly. He felt bad about not telling Xibar about his underwear, but with Xaldin in the same room, he had a feeling that those would be his last words.

  4. Demyx rubbed his head where a bump swelled. "All right, all right..." He hissed under his breath. He noticed Larxene slumped over the counter. "Larxene... um..." Demyx walked next to her. "If you're tired, and want to go to bed, you can... I'll just search for him on my own." He patted her on the back. He turned to Xaldin. "I lost Sharkbait!!" He moaned softly.

  5. Demyx tilted his head. "They're one of the easiest to take care of... that's why I have him as a pet." Demyx shuddered. "And I do NOT like the name Chester... I've seen too many movies where the pet is named Chester, and Sharkbait's not like a Chester in any way." He went to the fridge and checked behind the milk. While he was there, he also grabbed an apple. Ah, to Hades with what I said earlier; I'm hungry.


    (Xaldin's accepted.)

  6. "He's a shadow, but he's got a harness on... That way I can take him out for walkies..." Demyx chuckled weakly. "It's a dark blue Harness, but not as dark as Sharkbait."



    (I forgot to say here that Xigbar's accepted... in my last post, but I'll do it here.)

  7. Demyx smiled a little. Maybe I can get a little something to ea-- He remembered suddenly the reason that they were going into the kitchen. He was not going to eat until he finds Sharkbait... That is, if he finds him before breakfast-time. "Will you want me to search the tops. and you can do the bottoms, or is it the other way around?" He asked.

  8. All right... I want to say a few things before I explain what this is... Originally, Kairiwilson wrote the first two rules in another thread, but I liked them... They make a lot of sense to me, and it helps make things understandable.


    1-- "-RPs are in past-tense (Which means instead of saying "walks", which is present tense, you will use "walked". And so on. )


    2-- "-Use your grammar properly. Quotation marks ("...") indicates speech, Italics indicate thought, Bold usually indicates someone yelling. Punctuation marks set mood (don't say "He walked to the store!" the exclamation mark is pointless there. )"


    3-- Please join with respect to other users. Try to stay in character, if you must say something OOC (Out of character) then you should use parenthesis. However, keep it only a couple of sentences.


    4--Ask to be a character, and make sure I accept you before you start using him.


    5--Randomosity belongs elsewhere... this is an RP... not an invitation to chaos. If you have something more than a couple of sentences to say that's OOC... please go somewhere else to say what you have to say.


    6-- Although you may get excited to be RPing your character, be sure to double check your spelling. Take it slow, and ensure that you have a period where periods need to be, and that you close quotations. Don't worry too much about commas, and using too many of them. It's a common error, and we forgive you. :)


    7-- Lastly... if you don't think you're going to be RPing that much, don't join. if you suddenly get tired of RP... tell me, and I'll make the character open for everyone again.


    8-- *additional rule xD* *shot* When RPing... avoid Organization meetings in the white room with those tall chairs... please... I'm not asking... but I'm trying to be polite about it.


    9-- *another additional rule* please refrain from conversing


    You could think of this as an AU... an alternate universe if you wish... but this should be thought of like a fanfiction, where the actual story line doesn't really apply. Other than that, the actual characters should be as applied.



    Character name:



    Appearance (as best as can be described):


    Approximate age:



    **taken characters will not be black, and will have who's RPing next to their names**










    Demyx--Me, Demyx.








    My template

    Character name: Demyx

    Power: Water

    Weapon: Sitar

    Appearance (as best as can be described): average height, blond/brown hair (hairstyle unknown, but closest to mullet), blue-green eyes, average skin tone.

    Personality: Happy, and a little hyper, but deep down he's timid, and shy.

    Approximate age: 19


    Enjoy!! :D

  9. Name:Serino

    age: 18

    Gender: Male

    looks: Shoulder length silver hair, blue eyes, light blue undershirt, brown jacket vest, black slacks, calm eyes.

    Keyblade: thin silver key with a three leaf clover handle, a crescent moon keychain hanging from it.

    Personality:calm, quiet, devoted and diligent, Serino carries himself usually with a slightly regal demeanor. However, he tries to not let it show too much. Seldom gets angry, and never raises his voice unless needed.

    Friends: Wilson, and anyone in need.

    Enemies: Creatures of the dark, besides a couple of vampires who earned his trust.

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