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Posts posted by Demyx

  1. "Slimy Hot Rods!!!" Demyx grinned from ear to ear. "That's Rock Awesome!!!" He jumped up and down, imagining what kinds of brainwashing experiments would be done to Neoshadows... He turned back to Xigbar. "But, hey Xigbar..." He frowned. "Why do they have to be the same height as Dancers, ya know? I mean, why not Neoshadows who are smaller than Dancers, or Neoshadows who are taller than Dancers?" Something didn't click right, and he couldn't figure it out.

  2. Well... Finals week has come and gone for me. Now, I am back, but tired from so much studying!! I mean... D8 I had to stay up to finish things!!! Not very fun... >.> Anyway... That's finally over. Now, I've been busy since this morning... I got out of my math final a little late, so I thought I would be getting home soon... >.> How wrong I was. I was too late, and so I had to use what money I had to call home so that I could be picked up 4 hours later... not too bad though, since I got to read Demon Diary, and Angel Diary. ^^ Very good... but my library didn't have the first volume of DeathNote on the shelves, so... *laughs* Ah... anyway... ^^ I'm back, from finals.. *smiles happily*








    Eclipse is HAWT!! :P *shot*

  3. Demyx went around the corner when he saw Xigbar surrounded by Nobodies and Heartless. Crap... He might have seen me already... he thought, slowly backing away. He was about to hightail it out of there when he had a thought. Maybe it would be cruel to be angry at Xigbar for so long... After all, they didn't get into too many fights. Of course, Demyx liked to avoid fighting if possible. He turned back around, and called out to Xigbar.


    (OOC Aw, it's all right... I also was absent from the site, due to finals...)

  4. Demyx decided that he was through with moping, and went down into the city. At least, if things go my way, I might find some company... maybe I can try to take care of a newshadow? He laughed a little more cheerfully as he wandered the dark streets.

  5. Demyx cried. "But... He caught me!" After sniffling a little, he stood up and wandered the entrance way, looking over the edge of where he was at. He sat back down, and looked at his feet. Perhaps I am just being silly... NO! That can't be... Where would I be without the hope that I can tell someone my feelings and still feel like I won't get hurt... He shook his head, gaining new strength to hope.

  6. "But... " Demyx whispered. "He was the only one who listened without yelling at me." He cried shamelessly. "Guppy-breath doesn't show any signs of caring... Just like Xiggy." He shot an angry sad look at Xigbar upon mentioning his name.

  7. I just realized... I've been absentmindedly thinking of this large kitten as "Demyx"... he's fuzzy, light yellow fur, at the first time I thought it, his eyes were really blue, so this was a couple weeks ago... and he's just so funny...


    Another kitten is afraid of me when I'm cleaning... I wear yellow rubber gloves, and I had a rag in my hands, and he was hissing... O.o what's up with that, yo?!

  8. I have a cat I call din-din... >> He's so shy, my mom saw him today and was like "Hey, isn't that flower? I thought he died..." >.> Wow... how perceptive of you, mum... I suppose you'd like to go to an elvis concert too? xD but really, flower is another black and white cat... who passed away like... almost a year ago.

  9. (jenyflo5483--I didn't accept you yet... O.o so I'm not going to respond to that... Axel is still open.)


    Demyx looked up as he saw Larxene portal into his room. Tears stained his face. "Xigbar's a meany..." He choked on the words. He grabbed his pillow and hugged it. Guppy-breath was still swirling like a loon in the fishbowl.


    (I'll think about the others... expect PM's on why I'm waiting, guys who are waiting. xD)

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