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Everything posted by xionultima

  1. Harle: *confused walks back wit Lee and Jester*
  2. Harle: *walks through portal Lee and jester left open*
  3. Harle: *pets trigger* Saix puppy:*wags tail at Trigger*
  4. Saix puppy: *noms triggers ear playfully* Harle: *lauphs*
  5. Harle: *smiles and huggles trigger* your so cutee!
  6. Harle: fine trigger! *gives him cookie*
  7. Harle: Jester Lee look! *shows the darkness orb she got by beazting the darkness dragon
  8. Harle: yeah I did *shows the orb of darkness*
  9. Wow I was always scared of Nathan but that just takes it *runs away*
  10. Darkness dragon: *through playing around fires 1000 dark lasers at harle* Harle: *smirks at him jumps up with magigal spins and twists reverses all the lasers back on him* Darkness dragon: *gets hit with all 10000 lasers * how did you beat me ? and so eadily? Harle: Because I felt a need to defeat you , you had me helpless and now your helpless . Darkness drago: heh! I might have been wrong about you! here take this *gives Harle his blessing an orb filled with black and purple glowing light* Harle: *goes back to lounge and the moon explodes*
  11. Harle: *walked to darkness dragon* Darkness Dragon: *lauphs* I cant believe you lived from that! Harle: **** you! Dragon: *stops lauphing* awww is someone angry? Harle:SHUT UP! *makes area around darkness sragin disolve* Darkess dragon: ROAR! *flies one of his 6 mighty black wings were disolved thinking to self* thats dangerouse i'd better kill her fast *makes a powered up darkness version of ultima and fires it quickly* Harle: *hands glow absorb it with her left hand and fires it back at the daarkness dragon with her right hand magnified with 10x the speed and destructive force* Darkness dragon: ****! *dodges full blast but his wings get cought in it he has no wings left* Harle: ha! not so big now are you! you should have known id come back to personally kill you!
  12. Harle: *goes to the moon of darkness again*
  13. Harle: hey Lee and kitty! *gives the emerald necklace to saix puppy*
  14. Harle: what're you talking about ? I had to take that medicine yesterday! anyway im gonna fight the darkness dragon tomorow okay?
  15. Harle: anyway guys im preparing to fight the darkness dragon dragon again tomorow . And I couldnt help i was seeing things!
  16. Harle: *teleports to Harle and Jester * whatre yall doin?
  17. I beat the japanese version last week! /fail I wanna get the engish version
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