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About xionultima

  • Birthday 02/12/1995

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  1. FrvdMFyOjcI oh the good old days this video used to be so funny back in the day /shot *feels old*
  2. DC-ism is a religion that only the sexyness that is kaiso can make a reality Under DC-ism, you MUST support the pairing Kaiso x Cella. nevar!the pairing kaisoxcella is my bread and butter i have loved it since i was a little yungun MUST OBEY o-o/shot
  3. DC-ism is a religion that only the sexyness that is kaiso can make a reality
  4. Me: Dad can I corrow 10 dollars? Dad: get a job Me: I have a job T.T Dad: Well get another firetrucking job you freeloader! Me: TT~TT but- but I have school! Dad: Is that an exceptable excuse for not having two jobs? >.> LMAO at him right now
  5. I have a doggie he died tho so all i got left is teh cat.
  6. o.o *talks about the good ol kh13 days all the time <3
  7. ims awesome? yayz! 8D *is not worthy*
  8. Sora... Kh2 Sora in particular kh1 Sora acts like a kid and all happy because he is still a kid by kh2 youd think hed be more mature instead hes just less mature >.>
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