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Everything posted by Clueless

  1. Clueless


    Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a little addicted. Bwahahhahha So I'm probably the only girl you'll ever meet that plays this game. So my question is, do you play? What's your favourite? Do you play online? If so, on what? ;p Well, I'm currently playing mw2, the one that just recently came out. Its not as good as COD4, but hey, it fills my time. I play online allll the time, so if you have a ps3 and play mw2, hit me up. (:
  2. Sorry to break your heart, but your not the youngest.
  3. maybeeeeeeee ill play along and make a sig
  4. You can only use it once though. Im guessing.
  5. Haha this is extremely long, longer than me [ almost a year ] Congrats.
  6. Moving to random people more people will see this there if you want more people to contribute.
  7. Well I know theres Advent Children at JB Hi Fi - i doubt you have that over there, wherever you live. Just check for anime stores, they usually have this there.
  8. Welcome to the site. Everyones already summed up all the things we needed to say so hm. I'm cluee.
  9. Welcome to the forums. I'm cluee, read rules and post.
  10. Clueless


    Welcome to the forums ;D My names clue. Follow rules, be good and post.
  11. Isnt there someone else named Got it memorised?.. Lmfao. Hey, welcomet o the forums, my name is Cluee. Read rules, follow, and be good.
  12. True who cares about tutorials, you should experiement yourself, its better to do it that way in my opinion
  13. me or who, cuz im 15 almost 16 You sound 9 years old
  14. Oh my goodness put that image away o-o hate seeing needles, blood, anything like that
  15. Clueless


    This makes me shrug... Well, never had surgery. Thank goodness. Hope I never do
  16. xDD If not younger. i think there's even been a 9 year old... Thats a record
  17. Welcome to the site, I guess. Read rules, be good.
  18. sex me now its buldging out of my pants,
  19. Youve travelled everywhere in Aus where as I actually live here and I dont travel anywhere D;
  20. Your getting better, I must say. But you still need practice (:
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