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Clueless last won the day on December 12 2018

Clueless had the most liked content!

About Clueless

  • Birthday 01/17/1995

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  • Was a forum moderator.

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  1. You're a fool. It's on the same page just press " Back to Album " or "Groovin the Moo photos." Yeah its fair that you vote for the best design but not when everyone else is using this method : > And thanks Javelin ! Appreciate it.
  2. HEYYY EVERYONE most of you probably don't remember me or know me but I'd really appreciate if you could vote for my logo design by pressing LIKE on this facebook page https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151948684812061&set=a.10151948683152061.1073741842.240108447060&type=3&theater The most amount of votes = win!!! My history - This is just something I was just having fun with at the start of this year before Uni holidays finished. I'm studying Communication Design (Graphic Design + Multimedia Design ) and currently in my second year. I do like drawing veryyy verrryyy much!!! Comment- Critique, whatever (But I can't change stuff for the design so : ( ) Thanks (:
  3. Hey guys! It's me (: Entered a competition which required me to do a logo and the only way I can win is if I can fish in the likes to my design so please thumbsup my design VIA this link https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151948684812061&set=a.10151948683152061.1073741842.240108447060&type=3&theater !!! Would really appreciate your help (:

    1. Sora96


      Holy shit, it's Clueless. Liked it.

    2. Clueless


      wow your the best ! Thanks haha I thought i'd give this website a try to do shameless promoting hehe. anyone is free to share this aswell for other people to like :P

  4. It depends what kind of budget you're looking at as well. Wacom is one of the most known graphic tablet brands so usually a lot of people get them, however they can become pricey. I started off with just a simple Bamboo Tablet (PEN AND TOUCH VERSION) from Wacom (was around the $140 mark, but I live in Aus, it could be cheaper where you are) and that's been with me since 2010. It's a really good beginners tablet because you can get pretty comfortable with it quite quickly. The hotkey buttons on the side are quite useful as well, and of course you are able to customise it! When using photoshop, or any other design program, it registers sensitivity quite well, so you are able to see the strokes differ depending on the pressure you put while using the tablet pen. They do come in different sizes I believe! I got the smallest one to fit my budget since I was younger and just started off with a job, but it gets the job done. There are also brands such as Adesso http://adesso.com/products/product-list-20.html, and Genius Easypen http://www.geniusnet.com/wSite/ct?xItem=46752&ctNode=174. I can't personally tell you how good these because I've never had them but I'm sure they're probably cheaper than Wacom ones. If you feel like spending a bit more though, the Intuos Wacom tablets come in a larger range, and more functionality. It also takes in a lot more pressure when you're drawing so it gives you a larger variation of linear strokes.
  5. Im a lesbian but I don't know how to tell my boyfriend of 3 years.

    1. Leaxel


      Retired mod come to visit?

    2. TheApprenticeofKingMickey
    3. Sora96


      Either DChiuch or a random Clueless visit.


  8. Wouldn't blame you - I thought this place would never live up to my other forum that I use to go on.
  9. the question is, where have YOOUUUUU been!

    1. sneezes


      too many places bby haha, miss you & every one else :(

  10. Dchiuch sucks peepee

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ivan


      I think he wants everyone's. You know, he can't get enough of it

    3. Clueless


      in that case i should make it peepee(s) : >

    4. Ivan
  11. kind of, where have you been I MISS YOU

  12. omg u alive?

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