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Everything posted by DigiMoon93

  1. lawlz i know! BUT--- Manga Version: at this time he would be 10 Anime Version: at this time he would be PROBABLY 12 i didn't REALLY bother to calculate any time until i thought "YOU KNOW WHAT?!?! I WANT TO PUT "*Insert age here* year old" in this part right here!!! And so, Mello is only 9 and has such language lawlz. the bed going up in flames is funny since Mello loves to blow shit up in the Mafia (and alittle before as i recall....) BTW L, Matt, Mello, Misa, and Light(well actually my friend who loves him added Light) ARE MY FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK!!!! YAAAAY (although Misa is in spanish........*going to have to find another Misa*) also is Kenpachi, Orihime, Ichigo (and I'm waiting on Rukia) OH AND TREKKIE MONSTER!!!
  2. I wast thinking more of a feeding tube situation...like people in a coma.... Hey, the weird things above the pod must be for SOMETHING right? of course I'm still wondering if he's human or not...........
  3. MUHAHAHAHA!!! You shall see. may I add that you should already know that Matt was the third most intelligent Wammy House Kid and that he loves videogames (about as much as Mello loves chocolate) BTW I described L as a shadow since his partner will soon be Light. (Get it?)
  4. I'm ok with him..... to the point where i wouldn't want him to die but to where i would NEVER want to be in the same room as him. ............................Even was disliked by everyone also..... he deserves SOME credit but not much (he delivered his part as the scientist very well) and he made me laugh with his Japanese Clownlikelaughthatithoughtsoundedlikethemostawesomethingever but i felt EXTREME HATE towards him during the mission in Days.....................ALL HE DID WAS ACT LIKE AN ASS TO YOU WHO HAS NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL HE IS ASKING FOR!!!! .........but i DID learn Twilight Town was on a HUGE mountain........I'll give him credit for that.............
  6. Axel: *slamms door* HERE I AM AFTER A LONG VACATION (aka i didn't know this forum was up again) *Stares at Xigbar who is screaming for olives* o_e
  8. OMG IT'S MASTER XEHANORT!!! .........no wait.......it looks like the KH2 End Battle (how old is this?) cuz it might be a prototype of it....and if not-IT'S MASTER XEHANORT!!!
  9. well since someone had already spilled the cat............HER TRUE FORM IS SORA!! SO SHE TURNS INTO SOOOORRRAAAA!!! (read my post above)
  10. .............................Looks at her breasts for a sec...................wait........isn't she like............not big?....i mean LOOK AT RIKKU AND ORIHIME!! that is abnormal................but Aqua?........I DONT SEE IT!!! OMG MY PERVERTED GUY FRIENDS HAVE TAKEN OVER MY BRAIN!!! (I'm starting to talk like them now) AND LOOK AT LARXENE!!! HER MOLESTING AXEL THROUGHOUT CoM WAS NEVER CENSORED (and she's the whor-shot)
  11. THIS WILL BE WITHOUT SPOILER! She turned into her true form such as the Dragon in KH2 was Xemnas' and the Death's Angel looking thing was Marluxia's it's not QUITE a true form but an armored version........... BTW KYAA~ it reminds me ALOT of when Hollows release.............just saying...........
  12. Mmm there;s more than just the usual border of good and evil witness Riku, he was in between..........and Axel was neither.......... and LOLZ Jesus..............that was as random as ever lolz But REMEMBER THIS: What if Sora thought he was doing the right thing? 0.o then....like, Riku would have to fight him and (of course) lose.......and then what about Kairi?! WTF WOULD SHE DO!? all she'll do is shout names.........and then there will be a huge explosion and Riku will try to drag his wounded body to safety and Sora would want Kairi to join him (doing the Riku/Light/Axel hand offering thingy) and then as they embraced, Kairi would stab him and cry and then Sora would..... ...........i guess you can tell by now that i have had that dream more than once..............
  13. same as codedbydays (except I started before I even knew what school was!)
  14. There were only two scenes that made me laugh at the end and that was Roxas being an ass after killing Xion (the icecream thing) and when Riku and Roxas just stopped in the middle of the battle to have a regluar conversation! the "It's getting harder to remember her" one. i mean they were at eachother's throats a second ago!!! and i still think it makes sense but it also doesn't about Xion turning into Sora............hmmmmmm........i mean Yeah sure you would expect that to happen but THEN SHE CHANGES BACK TO HER FEMALE SELF AGAIN and i think I'm rather slow or this wasn't explained and i also wanted to know if it was just her face or her entire body that formed into Sora...............................................................i tried SO MANY TIMES to find out why but, meh, Namura doesn't want to say anything more. SHE DIED BEFORE I EVEN KNEW WHO SHE WAAAAASSSSAAHHHhHHH*sob* JUST LIKE (DEATH NOTE SPOILERZ) MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATT!!! (SPOILERS over) i luvvled you Xion. you precious littled f***ed up clone.....you had become #3 on my list until you died...........then you were bumped down to #5..........
  15. .................she's supposed to be sexy? *stares at her for an hour* mmm I don't see it.... I guess it's because I'm female but-- What in the deepest Fu** is showing back a bad thing? I MEAN LOOK AT GODAMN ANGEWOMON!!! THEY DIDN'T CENSOR HER AND SHE'S DRESSED (well more like not dressed) LIKE THAT!!! the funny thing is: Kairi wears clothes that if she bends over then you would see WAAAY too much and it's Aqua who's being censored BTW romans/greeks(forgot which religion) think of water to represent a beautiful woman...and so on...................
  17. @DeathSkull yeah GlitterGraphics.com LUVS L! (they also love Sora but that's a different Story) and YES Light is a horrible BIIOOCCCHHH (just like the bastards that are on Kingdom Hearts Wiki) DO NOT SEARCH AXEL ON THAT SITE OR ELSE YOU WILL GET MOSTLY DISTURBING IMAGES!!!!!!
  19. Hmm i don't mean to speculate but I think it's Sora in some way, shape, or form (I don't mean Roxas or Xion *and God knows not Xion* but something else....) I MEAN LOOK AT THOSE *Bleep*ING FEET!! YOU CAN MOVE THE GRAND CANYON WITH THOSE!! MAYBE IT'S THAT THING THAT CAME OUT OF CELLA'S PA/Shot for being random in a serious forum by DChuich
  20. most hated wurldz: ATLANTICA!!! (most useless waste of my life ever.......and all for an Oricolum+)
  21. I would have to say Organization and Roxas (BUT ONLY BECAUSE THAT BASTARD STOLE MY STYLE OF BLACK AND WHITE CHECKERS!!!!) BTW Mikey Pete and Sora got their clothes from the same store lolz
  22. YUP! i let them do whatever the hell they want, giving them TONS of free will unlike my sims and just like Cella's Pa-/shot
  23. ........................well i was young and Riku & Ansem scared the shit out of me so i kinda did everything around that (which is why i saw the secret ending before i even knew that u had to unlock it) well ALL of that time leveling up to 100 and finishing the game 100% over a course of a year........................almost 88 hours..................................... did i meantion that i normally spent HOURS playing it over the summer?
  24. Hmmm i have another theory................... what if a pathetic substitute for a heart comes into being through Sora? I mean Axel clearly seemed like a Nobody before CoM.....8D/shot by Axel fans
  25. I bet you're wondering "Where's Riku?" well the beginning of the story must be taken to memory before u start the next chatper oh, and when he said "Did he Xion?" we were at the tail end of a sentence (that will be revealed later since i didn't want spoilers for now) lolz, what lost u F[r]iend? BTW If you're wonder what the hell happened in the last paragraph (if you people don't catch on to things as quickly) it will be explained to Sora later. and i wanted Riku to Narrate for a while because........well..........in the next chapter Riku *BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP* oops lol, i can't release any spoilers for now. Also for those of you who didn't realize what happened with Axel; after Sora passed out, he chickened out of taking his heart. lol, Axel didn't revert, he was just so full of angst that he felt as if he had no choice. BTW Soba is noodles. -----------------SLIGHT SPOILER WARNING FOR END OF DAYS---------------------- BTW (again) AXEL IS NOT ALIVE HE'S JUST LIKE ROXAS & NAMINE
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