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Everything posted by DigiMoon93

  1. sota's right, its AMAZING; although the whole Alternate Universe shizz was just SLIIIIGHTLY dissapointing; their two replacements were well thoughtout and hilarious at times...but it's just not Battbatt and Beatbun... but; out of all that you learn in Chiru; i think the most shocking thing was that Battler got all his looks from KINZO D8 DUN DUN DUUUUN!! (there's your nightmares, kiddies) }8D anywhoz; You will all worship me in time when i show you THIS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juEkoLXXoxo&feature=related It's a fanmade version (most close to the visual novel) of the ending of Episode 4 Click on the transcript if you want a translation (the trascript is in english) 8D Yes, i know, I'm you're new master now }8D
  2. After finishing Kingdom Hearts; i had a VERY ODD dream (YES THIS DREAM IS TRUEEE) where there's two doors, one where Kairi was and one where a girl with teal hair I had to help Sora choose which door to go through (of course i chose the door with Kairi) well......Kairi turned into this horrifying monster and ripped my head off with her teeth....... then there was a GAME OVER screen and then someone (whoever was playing the game that Sora and I were in) selected CONTINUE and then i chose the blue haired girl's door and then it opened and it had odd swirly things all in it that I flew through..... I was an odd child......
  3. They arent popular in the US because no one wants to use their brain and read anymore. Oh when did illeteracy start ravaging the world like a plauge?
  4. yeah i was whimpering when Beatrice said "Thankyou" but when she said "liar" i giggled alittle even though i was still upset Here's the character models for the PS3 game
  5. My favorite chars are Battler and Beato *I CAN'T DECIDE BETWEEN SEXEH EPICNESS WITH A HEART OF PURE GOLD AND THE TROLLING WITCH WITH THE CHILDLIKE PERSONALITY (and also they are the only pairing i have ever loved) btw, i'll post some Umineko Moosac now
  6. Yes, I decided to dig up this corpse and make it dance once more; if you have no idea about what in heaven
  7. wow i used to do those sorts of things as a child....i would make huts out of fallen pine needles and then set them all ablaze/hose them down/blow them away .........i was a terrible 5 year old
  8. As a child i thought Sora was female until....a about an hour or two into the game.......I was 9...(honest mistake)....of course then i thought of him as "pretty" I had a fear that whenever i looked into this mirror in my bedroom that it wasnt me staring back but that it was some demonic thing that looks just like me and I thought all of the countries of the world were squished together and not across seas.
  9. avatar: 9.5/10 niceeeee but still if the vanitas side had darker hair i would rate it higher.....or was is supposed to be vanitas?...........i have no idea now.... Siggeh: 9.2/10 its awesomesauce but the shining thing on the corner left makes my eyes draw away from Axel's face but im just OCD like that
  10. You're Cute When You Scream by Senses Fail I need to lay off the Serial Killer songs....
  11. I'm still decorating my house to be a haunted house.... I did a few lifelike replica thingys, downloaded stuff for the projector, and got music to play (like the soundtrack for American McGee's Alice) It was hard to make a Freddie out of old walmart bags, a mask, old clothes, and metal coathangers but i did it....it was even harder to turn it into Jason after i found out that Freddie was a pedophile....so yeah.........
  12. I just dont know WHAT kind of importance the test has, if they pass it or not, does it REALLY matter if Sora's beating the everloving crap out of people with or without the stupid lable?! but either way; Square Enix games never made any sense to me...
  13. I think they made Riku weaker than Xion to show the difference in stregnth between him and Sora (since Xion was on full throttle and was only half of Sora's power in accordance to Riku fighting hard but not on full throttle until transforming)
  14. It's not a surprise since ALOT of famous people love Kingdom Hearts
  15. Heh that's hilarious; but sadly, i didnt get an experience like that from the GBA version; i DID however think that Marluxia was a woman...and Axel scared the everloving crap out of me I DID NOT WANT a serial killer beating the crap out of me with his superior cards (YES i thought of Axel as some pyscopath back then...i mean he was killing people without any second thought and Vexen was stabbed to death in the GBS version *unlike in the censorish remake*)
  16. It could be like in Silent Hill 2 Specail Edition they added a new episode where you play as another character from the story during the events of the story until a certain point; it's very possible it would be Vanitas since he is in high demand nowadays.
  17. Very good; i can see it's an Espada-esque story
  18. LITTLEKURIBOH ANTFISHTAS AND MEGAMI33 WILL BE THARRR i want to go but i dont think i will ever be able to go to one until im 18; even ASKING to go to a convention would lead to the response everyone hates to hear from their parents -.-'''''''''''
  19. That theme for Furfur and Zepar; IT'S SOO FREAKIN easy to remember but hard to get out of your head and my method of getting songs out of your head wont work because THERE'S NO WORDS
  20. OH MY GAWD! WHAT DOES IT FEEL LIKE TO PLAY VIDEOGAMES?!?! (it's been so long, i don't remember anymore) ah yes, one day i'll go back to my Heather Masons and my Soras and my Amy Sorels but until then, i guess i'll have to wait for the stars to align for that to happen
  21. I WANT MY NAME CHANGED TO DIGITALMOON93!!! i hate the fact that when i shortened the name (because i thought it would be too long) now it looks like Digimon and I HATE ITTTTT!!!! PLEAAASE wait----NEVERMIND CHANGE IT TO SilenceIsGolden PLEAAAAASH
  22. I pledge alegence now can i start sacrificing the virgins now? =D JK! anywhoz yeah
  23. ugh the anime was the worst thing to spawn out of anyone's brain since live action films READ DAH MANGAH it's better anywhoz he squeeses breasts because he likes the sensation of whenever women hit him (which is probably why he goes for Beatrice heheheh) but anywhoz yeah; that's alittle perverted but eh, he IS just a teenaged boy...and they do that......alot.....too much....WAY TOO MUCH!! anywhooooz once again: For every minuet of the anime that you watch, a puppy dies a horrific death =D
  24. Dual Weild Roxas FTW Larxene probably had the worst/least win one of the group
  25. I get hurt and abused animals and discusting-looking food that makes me want to vomit on my adds............. WHY DO YOU HATE ME KH13?!?!? WHY!?!?!?
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