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Yasue says difficulty in 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage- can be changed in 4Gamer.net interview


In an interview with 4Gamer.net, Co-Director Tai Yasue confirmed that the difficulty levels within Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage- can be changed by the player. In this interview, Yasue also goes on to talk about the improved platforming within the maps, their process with developing using Unreal Engine 4, and how Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD will be the first game in the Kingdom Hearts series to play at 60 frames per second.


A full translation of this interview will be provided as soon as possible.

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Did KH:DDD not run in 60 fps on 3ds? I remember it being a ton more smooth than any previous title.

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This is great to hear! It definitely increases the replay value of 0.2. First, I'll beat it in regular and then work my way up to the hardest difficulty :)

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Did KH:DDD not run in 60 fps on 3ds? I remember it being a ton more smooth than any previous title.


Ohhh, no my friend. DDD was far from the smoothest title in the series. Sometimes it dropped to about 15 FPS or lower in certain places where there were a lot of enemies. :P

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Ohhh, no my friend. DDD was far from the smoothest title in the series. Sometimes it dropped to about 15 FPS or lower in certain places where there were a lot of enemies. :P

You tried the new 3ds? I really felt like it ran ultra smooth, but I might just remember badly... (I replayed it about 1 year ago)

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You tried the new 3ds? I really felt like it ran ultra smooth, but I might just remember badly... (I replayed it about 1 year ago)


Admittedly, it did feel a lot smoother on the New 3DS but still felt choppy at times. Don't forget that gameplay was locked at 30FPS for most, if not all, of the handheld titles. This means that DDD could not have possibly gotten to 60FPS, and at most it was at 30FPS.

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Admittedly, it did feel a lot smoother on the New 3DS but still felt choppy at times. Don't forget that gameplay was locked at 30FPS for most, if not all, of the handheld titles. This means that DDD could not have possibly gotten to 60FPS, and at most it was at 30FPS.

Ah ok, never knew of the fps lock :) I guess it was just because I played it after re:coded and days, that it felt smooth.

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Thank you for this update, Sora'spromise! :D


Hmm, so it seems that difficulty can be adjusted, huh?  I'm gonna go all out and play on Critical Mode the moment I get my hands on 2.8!  I'm already used to the difficulty in the Kingdom Hearts series, so I'll jump straight into Critical, even if it proves more difficult than what we've been thrown so far!  Gahhh, I need to play 0.2 already!!! xD

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So it can be changed during the game like in Re:coded? That has to be the case otherwise it's not worth metioning since every game since the begining had multiple diffuclty levels, even KH vanilla had Normal and Expert.

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