Steven Burton, the voice actor for Cloud Strife, hosted a Facebook live stream recently where he answered questions from the public. One person asked whether or not Cloud Strife would be in Kingdom Hearts III.
Thanks to a Twitter video from user PatzPowerz, we can see Steve Burton answers the question by saying that Cloud Strife won't be in the game. You can watch the video below.
Doug Erholtz, the voice actor for Leon in Kingdom Hearts II was also asked a similar question recently, where he stated that Leon would not be appearing in Kingdom Hearts III. You can view the tweet below.
This could be due to the actors being under a non-disclosure agreement, but we'll have to wait for official confirmation or see in the final release.
Tetsuya Nomura stated in an interview back during E3 that the Final Fantasy characters "required special care" and that we should "Look forward to how the FF characters show up in the game."
What do you think this means for Final Fantasy characters in Kingdom Hearts III? Let us know in the comments below!
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