The Keybearers Alliance, a cosplay mingle event created by Kingdom Hearts fans for Kingdom Hearts fans, is having its sixth meetup this year on September 14th. This incredibly ambitious event is known for bringing in special guest voice actors, raffles and an inviting, friendly atmosphere.
Formerly under the name "Disneyland of Departure", this group formed in November 2013 and began hosting Gatherings since October 2014. This group grew from simply cosplaying at Disney World to now hosting large Gatherings such as this in order to promote the series and build a stronger sense of community!
This event is being held at 2932 Nutwood Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92831, and is expected to run from 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDT. A small five dollar fee is required for attendance this year due to the cost of equipment, supplies, rooms and other inclusions. This just goes to show how committed They Keybearers Alliance is at trying to unite the vast Kingdom Hearts community.
Their Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr contain up-to-date info on the event, as well as photos on past ones for what to expect there.
You can purchase tickets here.
Will you be going to The Keybearers Alliance sixth Gathering? And if so, what cosplay do you plan on going in with?
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